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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding X-23 in the comments below.




This wasn't "ha ha" funny but I found it to be quite amusing. Laura and Spidey seemed to have great chemistry here and all of their scenes were done really well. If I were to make one (minor) complaint, it would be to comment that Reed's lines didn't sound "intelligent" enough for him. I mean the comic is pretty lighthearted so it doesn't stick out so much but I feel like better lines could have been better.

Akira Inugumi

I enjoyed this one more then I though I would. X-23 and Spiderman seem to have more chemistry then I thought they would. I was a bit worried about the pheromone thing though. And the idea that Reed made it for Sue is a bit odd. But aside from that it was a very enjoyable comic.

Dennis King

I have ALWAYS loved the idea of Laura and Peter together. They fit together perfectly, personality wise and just the... Air around them, especially as Laura has grown older and more mature with her character development. And this issue honestly feels just how I feel their sex life would be, even if this DID include Reed's chemicals to encourage this. The art and the dialogue, as well as the sex, was done amazingly. The ONLY problem is that Reed talks very...... Basically. Like a normal guy. When Reed speaks in very complicated technobable/terminology as much as possible because it's how he talks.


I liked it. I don't usually ship the two of them , but it seems legit here. I have to agree about Reed and add that I think the same could be said for Valeria (though she had less dialogue). While I got the idea that she knew what was actually going on I think that she would have definitely made it known (to them) that she knew.

Spooney Bard

Secondly we have Laura in a proper X-23 costume. I keep using proper because that is the name of the game. The only action between the two in Wolververse was in a tag almost, and not in her most favored attire. This story is a bit more high concept than Tingling but is still steak and potatoes in its execution (especially compared to the previous stories that centered on both girls). I like the babysitting theme but with Laura it's a bit odd. Her character isn't maternal or protective, and with her background it's hard to gauge her reactions to a normal life. Her being afraid of getting caught (especially while riding the dragon) seemed a bit of a stretch. Yes it set up door sex and some witty commentary (that tied into the start and finish) but it felt odd. If it was Silk in the Renew Your Vows timeline then yeah, her keeping a door closed would have been super intriguing (through MJ in there too on her side). So strict in its aim this month we have nary a panel of action with Reed or Sue, which the unlettered panel and ending seemed to beg for on one level. With Reed's stretching and the ludicrously hot outfit and lingerie of Sue that is. However this was still a very good issue. X-23's face in particular displayed a panoply of emotions and reactions. It's somewhat fitting she gets a facial when so few Scops stories tend to go to such a porny place but she is the sort who wouldn't blanch so prudely. Damn I love a Spider-man Raimi kiss, still one of the sexiest scenes I've ever seen, not one other superhero movie moment merged ecstasy and romance so utterly perfectly. Creepy loser Reed also made me laugh even if it was a bit queasy. She goes hard and that was well reflected in the sex that also still had a proper tenderness (Pete trying to give her some cover for modesty despite a stiffy was a nice touch). Although I liked it a bit less than Anya's story (even though I anticipated it more) I feel utter satisfaction with the X-23 character in the Scopsverse and hope others feel the same. The ending also nailed it in narrative, juxtaposition, humor, and Eros.


Just a trivia: this story was based on X-23 #17 (2011), in which Laura did serve as a baby-sitter for Val and Franklyn. ;)

Dennis King

And Laura in comics is now basically a Mother...... Seriously, clones are confusing. Sometimes, like Peter with Ben and Kaine, they are considered siblings while others, Logan and Laura, they are a parent and child thing..... It gets so confusing

Just another Monday

I felt the scenario of sex pheromones by Reed was a smart gag on his genius needing sex relief, but his finishing line didn't feel right. Reed COULD have need of more experiments by re-exposing Peter & Laura to the sex-scent again in the towels or A/C in a maybe sequel. Laura & Peter's fuckering was good, had a good chuckle in there b/c dialogue, and I liked Sue was AWARE but still let it go because the 1 guest room line. Wouldn't mind a sequel if possible. Art was great, colors were solid, & situation was funny- 8.5/10


Well, that was fun! Nice balance of smut and humor, cute art, a premise that isn't too off-the-wall...


Loved it always great to see more Laura and would love to see a sequel where they help Sue with her migraines.


Indeed, I dropped that ball on Reed's way of speaking. Could've done it in a better way, to reflect more of his canon personality. Note taken. ;)


Indeed, I dropped that ball on Reed's way of speaking. Could've done it in a better way, to reflect more of his canon personality. Note taken. ;)


Indeed, I dropped that ball on Reed's way of speaking. Could've done it in a better way, to reflect more of his canon personality. But I don't really agree with you about Val. She speaks exactly like that on the comic this was based on (X-23 #17 - 2011) Note taken, though. ;)


The story was great the art could have been differnet, didn't seem to suit it.

Jack Charlotte

I don't know why, but I've really warmed to Laura/Peter as a rarepair ship (I blame YOU, Tracy ;D). The sexual positions were a delight (Especially the upside-down kiss turning into upside-down cunnilingus, which leads to them tumbling back down to the floor), and while I usually prefer Laura in her slimmer, more lissome body type, I can't deny Llamaboy's art giving her a more wide-hipped, voluptuous shape. My only nitpick is one shared by many here, that being Reed Richards' dialogue feels a bit off for him, but that's all the problems I could find.