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I'm pushing through with the last tweaks on the art, editorial stuff and lettering for the new comics, but the devil is always the details.

Every time I think I'm almost done, I realize I forgot some inconsistency detail, a narrative problem or even find an extra finger somewhere (not this time, but believe: it HAS happened before).

After I'm done with these, I'll have it proof-read and finally upload the whole shebang (pun mildly intended) for the deliveries.

There's a good chance you still get the files tonight, but if you don't, expect them to hit your inbox tomorrow at the latest.

Thank you for the patience.
See you on the other side, fappers!





You should get an image for posts like this of Spidey yelling "I'm almost there" or "I'm about to come" with a funny look on this face.


<a href="https://youtu.be/BsRFrw6h-Os?t=1m2s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/BsRFrw6h-Os?t=1m2s</a>

Dennis King

I..... LOOOOOOVED month! Honestly not looking forward to next month, neither comic looks interesting to me. Oh well, now I can go back and grab some I've been wanting to read for a while and missed