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Well, that was ridiculous in all the right ways. Smutty and funny at the same time.

Just another Monday

Emma's love of RAW dick love is very enticing. The parade of donors doing QUAD-fucking on a blonde was very funny to watch, & the Spider-Man bit of both blondes outlasting him was Tracy flavor of priceless. Very great, 9/10


I was really looking forward to this one for Ms. Marvel (and Emma, but mostly Carol) getting a train run on them, each pushing things further and further to outdo the other, but expectation exceeded reality, and my overall impression was that it felt a little scattered. I liked the opening bit, where they did as I expected, competing with each other, culminating in the quad penetration, but it felt like that was all over too soon. The Spidey bit wasn't bad, but also went by really fast, and the lack of panel separation on the one page made it look rather messy, as a lot of the art bled into other bits of the art. If anything, this comic felt like the trailer for a porn scene more than the actual scene - a lot of quick cuts of hot sex with bits of story, but not staying on any one moment long enough for any lasting satisfaction. Still hot, and Bayushi's art was on point, but sadly not one I'll likely revisit too often.

Spooney Bard

Another co-written issue this month, well what I said previously still goes. This is RC's fetish pairing and big love and respect for making it happen but I really don't feel much for these two together. With the theme of the story they also barely even touch each other, and even though both are figures of pure lust and somewhat similiar in terms of design and power-level not much is made of them as a pairing. Case-in-point when depicting the quad-penetration Bayushi goes for a distant, and somewhat removed, mirrored widescreen panel. Carol seems a bit more shocked but otherwise it becomes slightly repetitive as there isn't a big enough contrast emotionally. In the threesome sequence Carol, the one less amped to be here theoretically, goes with a salad tossing leaving poor Emma to just a fingering (otherwise we'd be seeing the same poses repeated with both girls). Other than the cover Carol never even goes topless even though there was an easy still costumed solution right there. Character and plot comes and goes. Spidey goes dom right at the end but by the next page it was like that development meant nothing because he was sapped comic figure once more. It feels like there were ten fetish moments glued together whether they made sense or not just to have them. Mind you those were some great moments. Them sharing a cock, the crazy orgy "spreads," both full body shots of them together, Emma and Carol's shock at Spidey's switch, Carol's power ass-eat. In terms of writing the Martin Lieber jokes all worked (he just can't put his full name to anything) and the condoms added a lot of spice and humor. I didn't dislike this story I just didn't care but there's always more to look forward to fortunately.