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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding THE HORNBLOWER in the comments below.




Loved it! The art is beuatiful and sexy and I definitely want to see more of Silver Sable! She's so hot!

Spooney Bard

Hornblower merged two familiar and good stories, Pete being putty in a strong woman's hands and Felicia being absolutely insatiable, to a bit muted effect. The set-up was pitch perfect but it made me want to read an entirely different story where Silver & Black, couldn't avoid it, interacted more or together. But I digress. Every character except Sable was a tad static, and she rather quickly came around. Loved the dry Russian humor, with two on board that seemed more than natural. The choice of lingerie was beyond inspired, love the studded choker, pale emerald eyes, and too tight ponytail on Felicia. This was a great choice in a pairing as the extreme lust of the Cat gives way to the immense force of the Rhino if only temporarily. Kingsway plays the heaviest scene on the faces and that kinda inspired a wish to see more but with less restraint (as we approach one year from Outerspace Groupie especially). Tough, teeth-gritting, even mockingly dismissive Cat worked very well though. The little details in the deepthroat and the afterscene (perfect little bit of liquid and redness). If you find it odd that I focus on one scene it's because the two are almost completely divorced emotionally. Even if it works as a narrative with Sable's icy defenses melting to the point she wants the horn the two tales don't jibe. When a new girl story pops up it really is 50/50, it worked perfectly with Betty but Sable was just kind of there. By dropping her whole uniform the contrast with the black suit was also lost. Combining the stories gave her little shine, in pure panels of erotica she was down by a 2:1 margin by any measure. The only way to get it under that ratio would be to count the distinct four-parter panel as one even though it had four unique drawings. On the last page there were five Hardys and only two Sablinovas. It was mostly a good story, but it lacked a turn somewhere that would have made it a pulse-pounding event.

Hentai Borg

I agree with Spooney here. I would have enjoyed less restraint from the Rhino here. Kingsway art was great with that deepthroat and he is really good with the facial expression and a rougher fuck would have really taken advantage of that. I wish we could see more Silver Sable in the future in an issue only with her, she was just great and I liked that she was able to overcome Peter. I enjoy the dark and somewhat grittier style of art, I think you should continue having a 'brighter' and a 'darker' release each month. I don't remember if Kinglaive did one other book for you before but I like his style and the coloring.


I liked the story, the dialogue, and the sex scenes. That said, Silver and Felicia's faces seemed a bit...off to me.


The art was not my cup of tea, but I can't put my finger on exactly why. It wasn't bad per se. More like... off-putting? Anyway the story honestly felt a tad disjointed and I would have preferred just Felicia and Rhino or just Sable and Peter. Not my favorite book but I wouldn't go so far as to call it bad. The parts are fine, I just didn't particularly like how they were put together.