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You're awesome!
Thank you so much for supporting me.

This campaign is now working under upfront payments.
When you make a pledge, you are charged right away. You will then be charged again on the 1st day of every following month, unless you cancel or change your pledge. Since the rewards are all digital files, refunds will not be provided in any case. All paid pledges are final.

Since you are pledging for the SUBSCRIBERS category, the 2 new comics will be sent automatically at Rewards Day, with NO option for selection. Rewards day is currently scheduled to happen on the 15th of every month. (If you are pledging after the 15th, the comics will be sent to you within 36h of your pledge).

For information about schedules, take a look at my Patreon Activity Feed to know about the that and other useful info about my campaign:

Be sure to keep an eye on you Message Inbox, and feel free to contact me at any point using the PM system:

Thank you so much for supporting these comics.
I really appreciate your contribution.

-Tracy Scops
Added: 2024-06
You're awesome!
Thank you so much for supporting me.

This campaign is now working under upfront payments.
When you make a pledge, you are charged right away. You will then be charged again on the 1st day of every following month, unless you cancel or change your pledge. Since the rewards are all digital files, refunds will not be provided in any case. All paid pledges are final.

Since you are pledging for the SUBSCRIBER +PLUS category, the 2 new comics packs will be sent automatically at Rewards Day, with NO option for selection. Rewards day is currently scheduled to happen on the 15th of every month. (If you are pledging after the 15th, the comics will be sent to you within 36h of your pledge).

For information about schedules, take a look at my Patreon Activity Feed to know about the that and other useful info about my campaign:

Be sure to keep an eye on you Message Inbox, and feel free to contact me at any point using the PM system:

Thank you so much for supporting these comics.
I really appreciate your contribution.

-Tracy Scops
Added: 2024-02
You're awesome!
Thank you so much for supporting me.

This campaign is now working under upfront payments.
When you make a pledge, you are charged right away. You will then be charged again on the 1st day of every following month, unless you cancel or change your pledge. Since the rewards are all digital files, refunds will not be provided in any case. All paid pledges are final.

Since you are pledging for the RECAPPER category, a form will be sent for you to select rewards shortly after your pledge is confirmed (expect to receive the form within 36h of your pledge).

For information about schedules, take a look at my Patreon Activity Feed to know about the that and other useful info about my campaign:

Be sure to keep an eye on you Message Inbox, and feel free to contact me at any point using the PM system:

Thank you so much for supporting these comics.
I really appreciate your contribution.

-Tracy Scops
Added: 2024-01
You're awesome!
Thank you so much for supporting me.

According to the Patreon System functionality, you will only be actually charged for your pledge on 1st day of the next month.

The comics links are always sent around the 15th of the new month, to allow enough time for me to finish them up and all payments to be charged properly. That way, I can take care of that messy logistics only once a month, and then dedicate more of my time to the actual comics.

If you're pledging for a Recapper category, you'll receive a form to be filled around the 5th of the new month to select your rewards.

Be sure to keep an eye on you Message Inbox, and feel free to contact me at any point using the PM system:

Thank you so much for supporting these comics.
I really appreciate your contribution.

-Tracy Scops
Added: 2023-02