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"As assistant to Miss Scarlet you'll be expected to come into work early, and stay late at her request. You're also expected to maintain an athletic physique and dress attractively, with a change of clothes always on hand. Personal hygiene is of the utmost importance.

You're to be on call 24/7, with your cell phone on your person at all times. Don't speak unless spoken to. Pay will be handed out at the end of each work week. Miss Scarlet is very hands on with her work, and will give you a personal review each day, thus why it's important for you to come in early, as well as stay late as she sees fit.

Any questions?"

-Secretary Karissa

Thanks to ProcrastinatingLazily for the animation, Volkor for the sound, and Cottontail for the voice.

VR 8K 60fps 

VR 6K 120fps 

VR 6K 60fps 

VR 4K 60fps 

VR 1080p 60fps 

Non-VR 4K 144fps 

Non-VR 1080p 60fps 


I had some issues with the eyes on this one, but once I had that figured out the rest was easy. Mainly because of LP! I've always loved working with LP, and this is just another great example of why. The board room setup, the information on the computer monitor, even just the way Scarlet takes her time while eyeing you. If I had the animation skills that LP does, this is exactly the kind of work I would want to be putting out. They understand the importance of details and organization, and are passionate about what they do.

I've finally figured out how to stop color banding showing up in our videos, at least as much as I can with the higher resolution ones, so those of you who can view 6K and 8K will be seeing a massive improvement not only in terms of detail, but immersion. The downside is that it requires an extra 3 hours of rendering for each version! But I do have a secondary computer for rendering finally. It's not a beast by any means, but it gets the job done. This should alleviate some pressure to always have my computer tied up in rendering, allowing me to focus more on setting sessions up, as well as editing and post afterwards. 


-Dark Zalivstok




The animation is so fluid. Nice. Really wonder how it can be so much better than acutal human VR porn.