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"Ah, Judy. The beautiful braindance technician who deflected your romantic overtures only to booty call you later that night. You're not really sure what this is anymore. But it doesn't matter. Judy can mess with your head by giving you head any day."

-Secretary Karissa

Animation and soundwork by Domino the Cat.

VR 6K 

VR 4K 

VR 1080p 

Non-VR 4K 

Non-VR 1080p 







it's a shame that all the lighting and post processing effects on the non-vr versions are not present in VR, I imagine it's probably for a reason but the non-VR one looks so much cleaner than the VR one


I've been prepping for family to come visit, and just saw this comment. I'm not sure what you meant by the comment "all the lighting and post processing effects are not present". Could you be more specific? I understand that the non-VR is "cleaner", however. It really comes down to the VR is meant to be viewed on a HMD, and the non-VR is meant to be viewed on a computer monitor, so you can get away with certain things on that you can't on the other. But I AM curious what you mean more specifically to see if it's something I can add or change to be better. Thanks!


I mean generally the non-VR one has what looks like ambient occlusion which is either turned down or completely non-present in the VR version, also seems the saturation has been turned up on the non-Vr one, or its been made warmer, and I think there's bloom in the non-vr one (look at the shoulder on her right) compared to the VR version which lacks any bloom, which just gives the entire scene these weird unnatural hard shadows, im not quite sure if I'm conveying what I mean, this sounds really critical but it's good this is just what I meant by lighting and post processing features not being present. As for lighting i dont actually think any lighting was not present, it's probably just the post processing features missing that makes it look like lighting is missing


You don't sound critical at all! In fact, I appreciate you taking the time to explain (IN DETAIL!) what you mean, and being held accountable helps me to look back and compare and think what you've said. If you had just said, "This sucks", I would have ignored it. Thank you. There's going to be some obvious differences between the non-VR one and the VR version, as the non-VR was in Evee. Because of how long it takes to render scenes at times, I can't always do a re-render of the original version in Cycles. That can lead to differences in lighting. I do my best to color grade the scenes closely to one another to keep the scene close to the other and give a true preview of what you'll see in VR. If you compare the non-VR preview against Domino's original version, you'll see I purposely made it cooler and added vignette for stronger focus on the action. Unfortunately, this led to a scene that looks like it has stronger ambient occlusion on the non-VR, when it was actually the same setting. Of course, switching rendering engines means any AO that was in there was also handled differently, so it could very well be that the AO WAS lessened overall in comparison. Taking it to an analytical standpoint, AO would not look the same from a camera with a field of view of 180 versus a camera with a FOV of 40. You're talking about a field of view lessened by over 75%. You're going to lose details in VR by increasing the field of view. When setting up the scene for the non-VR version, I had to choose colors for the bedroom, as it was originally a teenager's room with pink all over. I went with a fairly simple blue in my design. I think that's a big part of why the VR version feels cooler as a whole; you're seeing a much bigger picture of what's around you. The colors you see in the non-VR match up fairly well to the colors you see in VR if you just look at Judy and the viewer only, but the rest of the scene is much cooler and not present in the non-VR version. As for the bloom, you're correct. I chose not to use it on the VR version. I wanted to attempt a more realistic view of the lighting, and bloom would have helped that along, but I could not get it to look right in post. The terminator lines look good on the VR version in VR, and with some bloom would have looked even better, but I had a hard time with it on this one. I chose not to use it, as a lot of times it affects things that I don't want it to. I have to weigh my time allocated against my current workload. That's all there is to it. Trust me, there's a lot of post work that goes into our vr scenes to fix discrepancies and help with the overall look, but it IS VR. Post work for me, at least in VR, is not nearly as simple as post work in non-VR shots. Especially because the scene is stereoscopic and in 6K. These aren't excuses, only explanations. I appreciate everything you mentioned, and will definitely keep them in mind down the road on new projects.


Yeah totally understand, I figured it was likely intentional, i guess the tech isn’t there yet to get this to look good time efficiently


Well, I don't think it looks bad, really. There just isn't enough time with our current tech unless we only release 1 or 2 videos a week, which I don't want to do.


yeah it def doesn’t look bad just not as good as the non-VR, i appreciate the grind and variety is better than spending even more time trying to get a single one better given what technology exists at the moment, keep up the good work 👍