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I auditioned for 6 super different characters from this person's youtube animation show thingy and it was kind of refreshing for me cause I get to sound really over the top and cartoonish when most of the auditions I've recorded previously had to be kinda..more natural sounding >_>

One of the characters is a stuck up popular girl type which is one of my favorites honestly.. I love acting like a sassy mean girl. The other is a perpetually annoyed huskily voiced girl who probably goes to starbucks a lot. Another one is a hyperactive manic pixie dream girl type that I kind of channeled Andrea Libman's performance as Pinkie Pie for (yeah I watched that show got a problem huh huh huh huh) which is also a blast to do...
Then there's the stoic sleepy girl which is another favorite of mine cause I can relate to that...Then there's an overly-attached girlfriend esque weird girl who probably steals locks of your hair when you're not looking. THEN there's the girl next door/responsible class-rep type who feels misunderstood!!!!!

And the last one is a russian muscle lady who has a heart of gold (I guess like Zarya lmao) and I mostly just did that one for fun since I wanted to take a crack at that accent...and the result is....not very good hahahaha but it's still funny...I ended up not submitting that audition though. So it is for your ears only...
This was a good exercise for me even if I end up not getting cast as any of these :D I just love trying out vastly different characters.

As always I attached a file of some bloopers from this recording session!



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