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We're less than 48 hours away from the next update to Lust Epidemic which will feature the conclusion to the events at SDU. However it won't be the last story update. Later in October the final story update to Lust Epidemic will roll out at the same time as the first version of Treasure of Nadia.

During this dual release event you will get the final scenes to Lust Epidemic, including the most elaborate sex scene yet and also a special Kamasutra page that you'll collect in Lust Epidemic and get to watch in Treasure of Nadia in glorious full motion video!

Treasure of Nadia will feature several full motion, 30fps, animations in the initial release.

There's a skip button!

Treasure of Nadia will feature lots of technical improvements over Lust Epidemic. I took a moment to think of as many as I could... But there's probably ones I've not remembered since so much has been in development since March, when the first drafts were just being put to paper.

Here's what you can expect...

  • Dialog skip button
  • Full motion 30fps video for sex scenes and other cut-scenes
  • Smoother interface
  • 19 characters and lots of NPCs
  • Optimized engine allowing for higher quality production
  • Limited and fast loading screens
  • Livelier and more detailed environments
  • More character dialog poses, expressions, and animations
  • Smoother animated walk cycles
  • Easy installer that links to Patreon for automatic, one click, updates
  • No more moving save folders to retain progress
  • More interactive replay
  • Better sounds during sex scenes
  • Faster production due to improved processes
  • Smaller file sizes with increased quality

Thanks for all the support and be on the lookout for the next round of updates coming in just a couple days!



Sounds great. Can you make it possible to hide text at least during the 'action' scenes?


I have been following the game for a few months now (started with 0.76 or something like that). It is always nice to see you delivering updates that constantly. At the same time i am wondering if the terms vacation / holiday exist in your dictionary and what you do to prevent burning out.


Done! I was wondering how hard that might be to do.. Apparently I figured out a way pretty fast. So expect that in the new game now too.

David Wayne Welty

Do you not help us in the community anymore??????


Not sure what you're asking. I'll help anyone if I can. What seems to be the issue?


I need a time machine just so I can fast forward 2 weeks.


just? if i had a time machine i would fast forward to the full version and screw everything. work and social contacts just to play the hole game. - but i think my balls and dick will be dead at the end..


I do take a week off once a year. But since June it's been 95-100 hour weeks because I wanted to launch ToN when LE stopped with no gap. For me, I keep from burning out by having a very detailed plan and just following it, never stopping to think about how crazy I'm being lol

Sven Recker

Thanks for the two Updates. Wich Version is the Finale one? And a seconde question: did i need to change anything for support the next Projekt?


The final version of LE, in terms of story, will be mid October. The new game will roll out alongside the last version of LE and will continue the normal 2 times a month update schedule just like LE. So essentially Treasure of Nadia will just be the next chapter and you'll continue to get content at the same rate.

Jose Santos

Any idea where in the building I am supposed to go to get the cell signal?


code ascenseur et :)debloque la deuxieme rue du chariot please


For real man... you are god damn talented! Without a doubt the best adult-game developer EVER. And I simply cannot wait for OUR new game. Thanks man

Matthew Wetton

I've found one security wire to unlock the basement door but the rest were water pipes any idea where the 2nd one is


Check the other side of the basemenr in the closet


Thanks for the entertaining games, and artwork. Please help me figure out how to get vals page 15, MC is at the purple triangle ,must have missed important clue.


cant seem to find the usb cable on the game ive looked it up and it looks like it can be found next to the stairs in the main entrance, but its not there...