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Poll - Lust Epidemic update schedule

  • keep it at twice per month 182
  • reduce updayes to once per month 54
  • 2018-10-09
  • 236 votes
{'title': 'Poll - Lust Epidemic update schedule', 'choices': [{'text': 'keep it at twice per month', 'votes': 182}, {'text': 'reduce updayes to once per month', 'votes': 54}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 9, 17, 25, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 236}


I've been planning on releasing two updates to Lust Epidemic every month but wanted to get everyone's opinion on my plan.

I know some people prefer fewer updates with more content in each update. So as an alternative I can reduce my updates to once per month. So for instance instead of one 15 minute update and one 45 minute update just have one 60 minute update. 

I like the two update per month method personally because smaller updates are easier to manage from scheduling my time to testing each version and not falling behind on the amount of content I've planned out.

Another benefit to more frequent updates is that there is less waiting for new content if you are not at the highest tier. 

I am open to suggestions so please conment below if you have any other ideas apart from the poll options.




I'm not sure which i prefer but considering that you mention two updates will be easier for you to manage, then i support going with two updates.


depending how long is the game play if the 1st update is just 1% then mind as well wait for once per month in get the long game play up to 4ish %? plus that way you dont have Download 2 time


You do whatever is best for you workflow-wise, however personally I prefer a longer update. So if that means one update a month, that's OK with me.

Gray Metal Fox

Appreciate you asking us, giving the option to vote, but I think most of us would like you to stay in your comfort zone for developing. I rather you have the extra time to test smaller updates over a large 'buggy' update.


Thanks. That is one of my bigger concerns is bugs. I could simply finish a version but only release every other version. But a lot of people who were looking forward to that particular update would be missing out. I think maybe I could communicate more clearly how much content has been added since the last version so people can skip it if they deem it too little. Or maybe map out clearly how much content is in each update so people can make the best choice on rather to play it now or wait.

Brad Nelson

I agree with you, keeping it two updates per month seems the best way to go.