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I say draft - I think it's there - just have to give it the once over.

Nastier than it looks - hence the name Malevolent I suppose ;) Its not your average synth - a bit unruly and sometimes unpredictable. Rough and ready.

Not for general duties, but good for something that sounds out of the box, live, analog etc. a bit uncouth.

It's what it was designed to be - not a Monologue or Bass Station. I suppose you have to have a USP at this price point. (around £480).


PWM Malevolent // Raw Raucous and Unruly // Review and Demo

#malevolent #review #demo Get the samples here: https://patreon.com/starskycarr The PWM Malevolent is a new synth from a new company. How do you make a splash in a crowded marketplace...? do something different. And this certainly is. It's stripped away the niceness, and comes at you with a raw, raucous and unruly tone. Nothing too refined here, it's rough and ready and quite the dirty little devil. The sound doesn't;t match the package, which is a cute looking portable synth with mini keys. If you're looking at buying a new synth try this link for Perfect Circuit - I might get a bung ;) https://www.pjtra.com/t/SENKTExLTUtDSEpJR0ZGQ0hJTUZHTA Other places you’ll find me: ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/starskycarr ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/starskycarr ► Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/starskycarr ► Bandcamp https://starskycarr.bandcamp.com/releases ►ClubbingTV From the Studio: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYIYEC4M53KQs4FeYpCY51sHxoK2l2Z0O 0:00 intro 2:00 Some Sounds #1 3:19 Overview 6:51 Some Sounds #2 8:33 General Tone 10:45 Oscillators 12:10 PWM 16:06 FM 17:37 Kicks 18:40 Filter 28:54 Wrapping Up 29:25 Some Sounds #3 32:15 Any Negatives?


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