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Finally got the first patch up and running.  Instantly decided I need another envelope and a VCA in there... but getting some nice tones.  

Its a bit of a head scratcher at first when none of it is familiar, but didn't take too long to work out what was what.  The delay didn't come with a manual and isn't too intuitive, the triggers and gates seemed to be all over the place and couldn't figure out how the sample and hold worked. 

Plugged my Mother32 in the wrong way - absolutely crapped myself thinking i'D BLOWN IT!! and the Bloom took a few minutes to get my head round - no manual either, but was too excited to start searching the web.  I'd rather completely stress myself out having a minor aneurysm ... odd that :)

I'm rendering the first of my modular videos as I type.. this makes up the last few minutes, so I'll probably post it here later tonight. 


First Patch: Modular setup V1


Bruce Crawford

This sounds great, hats off to you. 👏 What are you using as the clock source for this? Or will all be revealed in the videos?

Starsky Carr

Qu Bit bloom is running everything here. I used the M32 mult and well as the MIDI interface ( which also accepts CV) to send the gate and clock all over the place.


Oh boy, I think we're all going down this Eurorack thing together: I just booked a slot at one of the Befaco DIY workshops for next september! The patch sounds great, by the way. I was surprised by the lack of Maths (which seems to be mandatory in all Eurorack videos ever)