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A mad thumbnail ... picked by Youtube but I quite like it! For this of you not in the UK the puppet on the right is called Sweep and he makes noises that sound like high pitched synth glides... if you've broken the synth.

This is a detailed look at envelopes. Maybe a little basic if you're already programming a bit.. but there's some useful info you may not know in there.  Plus a nice demo of The Noisemaker 3rd Envelope/LFO.. I was amazed it had this especially considering its FREE!!

The next episode move onto some more esoteric examples like the Juno 2 (again!).

Here's a separate link


And it's been added to the Playlist ... hopefully it'll appear this time :)



How To Program Almost Any Synth Part 15: Envelopes

A detailed look at envelopes, much may have been covered before while creating patches on the TAL Noisemaker in the previous episodes. Here I wanted to make sure I'd covered all the bases.


