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Season's greetings! I've got a few topics to cover, so here we go!

Christmas Poll

"Reindeer Games" has won the poll by a landslide, and judging by your comments, a good bit more of you prefer a gay image than straight or bi. I'll have a sketch soon to commemorate the holidays with some sexy reindeer smut.

Closer Scenes

The two main sets necessary for starting pages are coming along well, and after some testing I've decided to stick to RM once again. Both should have some progress renders by week's end, and I gotta say they look pretty wonderful so far. I'm on track to begin page sketches as soon as next week.

Holiday Vacation

I have a week long trip at the end of December planned to visit family, but I'll be taking my iPad along in case any inspiration squeezes some art out of me. Given the cold weather up there it's very likely I'll have some doodles to share while there. I may even have to color up the holiday picture via portable hardware if it comes to it.

Sketch Stream

With set design and prep for "Closer" taking most of my time, I've not had many opportunity to feature sketch streams. My plan is to do one at the end of the month for my 12 and 20 tiers, with the top tier contributing suggestions. It got a little intense last month where streams went on 10+ hours to complete all of the suggestions, so I'm much happier doing request streams once a month and sprinkling personal doodle time in between.

Thanks for your wonderful support, especially during this transition into a new project that requires considerable prep work. I honestly couldn't do these otherwise!



I don't much care about the orientation for the Christmas poll, as long as we see some beefy reindeer!


Gay reindeer? How disappointing


The best kind of reindeer!


Damn >~< I want more straight stuff


drat, was hoping for an orgy so we could have both ;)


Hurray for gay reindeer!!!

