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I'm sending this message out to all of my current and past patrons.

Patreon is no stranger to censoring my work in the past, sometimes for reasons I can understand. Many times their demands appear to be a unique interpretation of their rules that I don't agree with. I've been asked to remove many images from this gallery that I feel are well within the terms of service, otherwise I would not have spent dozens of hours on each piece made specifically for you, the fans. It's not fair to you that these subjective decisions dictate not only what I'm allowed to do on Patreon, but what Patreon will "allow" me to do on other platforms that are not related.

I've been working for months on a new personal website (adamwan.art), one that I hoped could link up to Patreon and provide a place for all of my work, including art all the way back to the days before Patreon existed. It's not done yet and might not be for another month or two, but my point is that I don't see any way I can provide benefits to Patreon users if Patreon has such a subjective and pervasive iron grip over an artist's legacy of content.

I urge anyone who still wants to support me to consider moving to my SubscribeStar, as they've made no such demands of me, and I see no reason they will. I don't plan to shut down my Patreon at current, but these recent requirements have proven without a shadow of a doubt that I won't be able to connect access from Patreon to my own art platform. I realize moving to another service isn't easy, but I don't see any other path moving forward.

Thank you.
Published: 2023-02