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Fluttershy and Toriel ran into each other at the entrance; an event that would have been benign if not for the outrageous size of the two. Fluttershy, with an ass trice the width of her shoulders, and Toriel, with her torso-dwarfing tits; and in both cases, the other was even more endowed. Yet that hardly even mattered, because both grrls were so hung as to eclipse the rest of their bodies, both sporting a fat, wrinkly sheath the width of an wine barrel, accompanied by a set of heavy, sloshing balls so big that they dragged behind them, each the size of a bean bag chair.

As it was, the seismic impact of their collision sent a shockwave through the air and caused an ordinate amount of jiggling of all parts involved.

“Oh, sorry!” the pony went.

“My apologies!” the goat cried, as stricken with remorse as the first. “I didn’t see you there at all!”

“It was my mistake,” Fluttershy insisted, blushing a bright red as she tried to step back. But, although both obscenely endowed women walked freely despite what should have been crippling weights of their bodies, they were in a pickle: both having squeezed into the spacious doorway at once, their flaccid cocks leading the way. And now, shifting and grinding against each other, they were stuck, wedged in by their flaccid cocks.

It was certainly one way to get acquainted. Toriel’s gigantic tits pressed flat against Fluttershy’s, their fat, wide nipples dancing around and getting harder by the moment. In fact, all of their breasts did, growing bigger and rounder from the excitement of meeting and frotting against such a cute, fellow hyperherm. The doorway gave a creak of warning, not at all made to resist the forces of their growing girlcocks, buckling as each heavy sheath fattened by the second. Being outsized by your junk alone should be a shock to anybody—but then, Fluttershy and Toriel were special.

Toriel’s face flushed, too mortified by her faux pas to admit her rising arousal to herself. Thick, creamy milk trickled from her nipples, drenching the heavenly curves of Fluttershy’s steady expanding bust and her on; if anything, it seemed to encourage the pony’s tits to grow even faster, adding foot after foot to their incredible circumference.

“I really must insist,” Toriel said, “you go first.”

“N-no, it’s fine.” Fluttershy squirmed in place, ostensibly trying to pull back, but her hips seemed to move on their own, sliding forwards again and again to rub her burgeoning sheath to Toriels; each wrinkly cock-scabbard now longer and wider than their owners! Behind each of them, their balls gurgled and grew, casting long shadows as they, too, rose above Fluttershy and Toriel’s heads.

Toriel bit her lip. “Goodness…” Already, pre flooded from her flaccid cock. No drops for this old goat; it really was a flood gushing forward from the depths of her junk, submerging the hall beyond the doomed door. By chance, her hand came upon Fluttershy’s hip in her fidgeting, and despite all of her attempts at decorum, there it stayed, nuzzling along the pony’s soft, yielding curves.

Fluttershy’s booty bwoomped gleefully into the probing fingers, exploding outwards as if to test the limits of how big a pony’s ass could really become. “Oh,” she said, squirming in place—but she didn’t move away from Toriel’s touch. Rather, she found Toriel’s towering ballsac and gave it a gentle stroke, noting how that simple touch made it bloat several feet bigger in a single stroke—and how her own, in a fit of uncharacteristic competitiveness, all but exploded outwards to catch up.

“Maybe,” Toriel started, with an eye on the doorway warping around their 5-foot wide hermhoods, “we ought to stay outside for the moment?”

“Y-yes,” Fluttershy agreed, trembling as her fat girlcock pushed free of her sheath, 15-foot long and still nowhere near hard. It was impossible to look inside the arena, what with their junk blocking the doorway, but they both knew one thing about it; it was very, very wet. The fact that a series of waterfalls of precum gushed from every window in the building was beside the point.

Again, they attempted to pull themselves free, to no greater success than before. But in the end, the doorway could not hope to remain intact against the excesses of a hyperherm, let alone two; and so it burst, finally letting Fluttershy and Toriel step backwards as the walls ruptured around their ever-fattening cockflesh.

“Phew! There!” Toriel exclaimed, paying no heed to the fact that her sheath was growing by dozens of feet at a time, her endowments rising around her as if they meant to smother the world. Her nipples alone were the size of a house, gushing wild, frothing rivers of milk upon Fluttershy and her own curves.

Fluttershy smiled bashfully from the shade of her apartment block-dwarfing balls. “Ready when you are.”

“Splendid. Let’s get started!”


The earth-shaking grrls arranged themselves next to each other—though at this size, it seemed more fair to say that the landscape arranged itself around them. Neither had thought to restrain their impossible bodies from growing further, every jiggle and bump still encouraging each other to bwoomph and surge and swell. And yet they kept defying every law of physics, moving gracefully as if it was the most natural thing in the world to swing around literal tonnes of tits, ass, and cock.

“So,” Toriel began, looking over to her opposite number. “You want to grow first?”

The fact that both herms had added 100 feet to the length of their sheathes alone, not to mention the cocks within, in the time it took to ask the question went unaddressed.

Fluttershy rubbed herself absentmindedly. “I-I don’t know. You’re so big and beautiful, you deserve to win. You should just go ahead.”

“Oh, come now!” Toriel said with an appropriate blush and a significant fattening of her balls. “You’ve got a much better shot at winning this whole thing. Nobody is as graceful as you. Just let go and give it your all!”

The ground rumbled beneath their feet, cracking under the weight. Toriel’s cock slipped free, sliding along Fluttershy’s and throbbing hard as they both pushed through trees and hills, smothering their surroundings in flesh and cum.

“I couldn’t… I’m just here by mistake.” It was easy to hide her face when it was at the nexus of a set of tits and ass fit to cover a whole village, and Fluttershy did just that, averting her eyes. But Toriel was not having it.

“Nonsense. You’re here because you’re worth it.” The maternal goat laid a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder, her composure only shaken momentarily by a twitch of pleasure as her ladylike phallus breached the ‘1 mile’ mark. “You’re a remarkable young lady, and you’re here to go all the way to the end. I believe in you.”

Fluttershy glanced up at Toriel—up, because, of all things, the other woman had started rising taller as well, already a towering 12 feet high and counting. She wrung her hands, squirmed in place, and finally met Toriel’s steady gaze. “If you think so,” she said, smiling.

“I do think so!” the now 30 foot Toriel said. “Show me what you can do, little one.”

Fluttershy gave her a solemn nod—and detonated. Her ascension was so swift that it gave even Toriel pause, her curves and cock thundering to all sides as she grew into a giantess, a hypergrrl goddess, radiating with an inner light. Her pink-haired head broke through the clouds, her wings blanketed the sky, and her cock… Well. Suffice to say that Fluttershy reduced the planet to her own moon in the blink of an eye, her phallus rising with such meteoric speed that it shot through space and struck Mars out of its solar orbit before her first growth spurt had subsided. And though her girlcock took center stage once more, that did nothing to lessen the impact of her tits thrusting out beyond her arms like a landmass of her own, while the world below her disappeared between the thick, sexy curves of her ass. “Ooh…” she murmured, briefly lost in the wonders of her own body. “That was… Fast.”

“Bravo!” Toriel called from the endless cleavage of Fluttershy’s cheeks. “I knew you had it in you. Very inspiring.”

Fluttershy blushed, turning towards Toriel (in a metaphysical sense, more than anything, given her newly acquired omniscience and the fact that Toriel was stuck, along with the rest of the world, beneath her considerable backside. “You’re too kind. Thank you.” She held out her hand and teleported Toriel onto her palm, smiling down at the goat. “Now it’s your turn.”

“Oh, I couldn’t, little one. This is your moment,” Toriel insisted.

“Doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself, too.” Fluttershy’s eyes grew unfocused, a tremble running through her celestial self as the tip of her cock pulsed past the limits of the solar system, painting the empty void with her endless sea of cosmic cum. “Better hurry up, before I outgrow the, uh, everything.”

Toriel laughed. “Oh, fine. Just for a moment.” She glanced around with a guilty look on her face, as if afraid that she would be caught indulging. Then she beamed up at the planet-dwarfing giantess above her and bwoomphed.

Like Fluttershy, Toriel’s growth was frighteningly fast. The mature hyperherm raised her arms and let her curves overtake her, her tits and ass swelling as if racing to see which part would swallow up Fluttershy first. Her height, too, shot upwards like a speeding bullet, blowing past hundreds, thousands of miles in the blink of an eye. And as Toriel took her place next to Fluttershy, an omni-goddess in her own right, her cocks swept across the inky blackness of space.

Cocks, plural. One after the other, new mammoth phalluses emerged from the sheath between her legs, pouring out in the tens, then hundreds, then thousands, gushing madly across distant stars. Her balls, too, multiplied, a mess of taut, laden scrotums that fanned out behind and around her, a fitting throne for her heavenly ass. The sun was caught between a pair of them disappearing in the wrinkles of her balls, and neither goddess even noticed.

“Ooh. That’s nice,” Fluttershy murmured. As she admired Toriel, her own growth super-charged itself, driving her massive ponycock through the galaxy at an astounding rate. And not just the one—she, too, decided to grow multi-endowed, her sheath filling with an army of fat lady-penises at an exponential rate.

“You learn fast, don’t you?” Toriel noted as the pair of them grew bodily out of the galaxy, as if emerging from a bathtub of stars. All around, their curves and cocks rubbed together, stimulating each other to continue, to give in and enjoy their maddeningly erotic bodies in an endless cycle of expansion.

“Oh?” Fluttershy asked, snapping out of a daydream. “Sorry, I think I was elsewhere…” Was she really growing that much without even trying? The universe rumbled ominously at the answer to that…

Toriel laughed. “If you say so. What do you say to this trick, then?” She raised her arms, smiling slyly, and shifted, suddenly, as her titanic tits jiggled violently and split into two pairs with a pop that, somehow, failed to diminish the size of either and thus doubled her total titflesh in the blink of an eye.

Fluttershy blushed. “That’s… That’s very nice,” she allowed, while her tens of thousands of throbbing cocks spoke of what she really thought of it.

“It’d look fantastic on you, little one,” Toriel assured her. She pushed her arms into the impossibly deep cleavage of her four-tit clover and repeated her trick, jostling and lactating wildly across the space between the stars as her bust doubled to a set of four pairs.

Fluttershy looked down, though the sense of direction had ceased to have meaning for a lady so big that her home galaxy was little more than a speck of space dust in the corner of her eye. Her breasts grew madly, dying to have a go. “Are you sure?” she asked, all but tying knots on herself.

Toriel giggled from behind her wall of boobs. Eight pairs. Sixteen pairs. Thirty two pairs. Space might as well have been white for all the milk and cum she shot through it, a monotone universe of her own. “Best not dawdle, little one. Or my breasts take up what little free space we have left.” She paused, feeling her cocks ram the limits of the universe. “Speaking of…“

Fluttershy gave a rare grin. “No need to worry, that’s just my balls. You see, they got too big to properly fit in this reality already, so I took the liberty of getting started on the next layer of existence.”

“Oh my! How brash,” Toriel laughed. “Well. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you want to keep on growing. Did you find your faith in yourself after all?”

“Maybe,” Fluttershy allowed with a broad, if still rather shy, smile on her face. “I just might. I feel awfully tight, like I didn’t even start growing at all.”

“Well. Only one thing for that,” Toriel winked and gestured at the frayed outer limits of their dimension. “Best keep growing, girl.”

Fluttershy giggled. “After you.”

“Oh no, after you!”

“Well. If you insist…”


Start of Match:


3 E13 m

Score: 44.7


2 E12 m

Score: 40.6

End of Match:


8E38 m

278 cocks

Score: 137.1

Wildcard: Curves, Wings, Divinity


9E30 m

2,000,000 cocks

Score: 127.4

Wildcard: Curves, Lactation, Multi-boobs


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