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Widowmaker’s cock was outrageous. Too fat to fit in her bodysuit by far, the lilac beast hung low between her knees, not so much exposed as on display, as if it would be a crime to hide such a delicious studcock from the world at large. Nearly as thick as her own thighs and with a set of ultra-virile balls far larger than her own head, her godly rod demanded not only the attention of anyone in the room; it demanded tribute. And that was what Rosalina intended to give it.

The Princess entered Widowmaker’s boudoir with a sway of her considerable hips. Widowmakerwas the paragon of dickgirl potency, yes, but Rosalina had the curves to match. She was a goddess of a woman, beyond amazonian, beautiful and busty beyond measure. If ever a woman’s body had deserved the appellation of ‘hourglass’, this was it, with a waist so thin as to defy physics next to the enormous tits and ass that flowed out from it. Standing 10 feet tall, her thigh alone was as wide as Widowmaker herself. No wonder her blue dress struggled to contain her, drawn so tight as to look painted onto her skin. All the better; she didn’t need garments to please Widowmaker’s monstercock.

Widowmaker’s dark lips curled upwards in a smile, sly and deliberate. She lounged on a bed of pillows, her eyes tracking the blonde. “What’s this?” she said in her thick, sultry accent, “A little princess, entering my lair?”

Rosalina stepped close, her shadow falling over the reclining dickgirl. “Hah. Little?” She matched Widowmaker’s smile and sat down on her knees, her thighs all but swallowing up Widowmaker’s legs between them. “Depends on your point of view, little spider. As does your tone.” She bit her lip, eyes straying south. “You’re lucky your dick is so inviting…”

Even from here, the heat radiating off Widowmaker’s cock was palpable. Its mere presence rang out in Rosalina’s head, demanding her attention, her worship. As she sat there, staring at it, it graced her with a throb, gaining two inches of length in a single stroke. It was powerful, yet unhurried, its journey towards Widowmaker’s full, towering erection something to be savored. And who was to say if she would be satisfied to stop there?

“Luck has nothing to do with it,” Widowmaker continued, her smirk only widening. “And yes, I’ve had bigger, ma petite princesse. But that does not mean I won’t enjoy your company.”

Rosalina crawled forwards, her cavernous cleavage on full display. “Let’s do something about that, shall we?”

With that, she dipped low, peppering the Frenchwoman’s veiny babymaker with kisses, taking care to cover its dusky skin with the bright red marks of her lipstick.


Widowmaker’s cock rose, inch by inch, under Rosalina’s adoring attention. It didn’t take long for it to claim the title of a third leg, only growing fatter as it hardened against her lips, her tits, her stroking hands. An enormous drop of clear precum materialized at the tip, smearing itself across Rosalina’s front, soon giving away to a veritable fountain of pre-nut that, despite being nowhere near the real thing, could easily knock up every woman in Paris at once. The air shimmered with waves of rising heat, and even Rosalina, shivering and sweating, had to fight to remain cognizant above the sheer, overwhelming need to become Widowmaker’s breeding slave.

“Mmh. You have my attention,” Widowmaker purred, shifting in her seat as her balls filled out between her legs, gurgling noisily with what were frankly dangerousvolumes of cum. At four feet of cock, she could now be classified as hard—though someone seemed to have forgotten to tell her cock that it meant that it should stop growing.

Rosalina was not going to be that girl, though. If anything, she kissed it all the harder, tearing the front of her dress to get her gigantic tits out and slide them around the pre-slick shaft. “Gods, yes,” she mumbled, so hot and ready that her underwear could not have been any wetter if it had been plunged into a whole damn pool of pussy juice. And still Rosalina planted her lips over her shestud’s divine dick, determined to paint it ruby red, worshiping Widowmaker with a plethora of lewd little gasps and wet noises.

Even the stoic Widowmaker failed to conceal her arousal. Her cheeks flushed with a deeper purple, opening her bodysuit to play with her own breasts as her cock bulged between Rosalina’s far larger pair. “You’re not half bad,” she purred in a breathy voice, her hips squirming in place.

The Princess might have responded if she had a moment to spare. But alas, Widowmaker’s cock took the entirety of her attention. It was so big, so hard, its sheer, erotic power making her shiver with pleasure with its mere touch. And as Rosalina worked the fat shaft, holding it against herself as she tit-fucked and slobbered over its bulging head all at once, it was all she could feel. A lesser woman would have struggled with its incredible size, but for Rosalina, it was perfect. More than perfect—it was orgasmic. She worked on it, out of breath, her heart beating so fast as her clit throbbed between her legs. It was impossible to resist; and so she relented, shivering violently as the first of many climaxes gushed out across her prone lover, soaking the pillows in a shower of juice.

It was the right sort of tribute. Widowmaker’s cock gave another throb and erupted in orgasm, sending forth a fountain of cum. Gush, splurt, splish, it painted the ceiling, the walls… and most of all Rosalina, smearing the regal princess completely with her steaming baby-batter. Through it all, her balls rumbled louder, bloating out bigger even as they pumped out several bathtub-fulls of shestud jizz.

Widowmaker allowed herself an indulgent sigh, arching her back before sinking down once more into the bed of pillows, satisfied in her afterglow. Between her legs, her cock—after several long minutes of constant, messy cumming—softened. But it did not shrink. Rather, her now 5-foot flaccid length immediately began growing hard once more, now adding feet rather than inches to its impossibly perfect length.

“Oh good,” Rosalina said, wiping her face free of cum and licking it off her fingers. “I was worried that you were spent for a second.”

Widowmaker laughed. “Please. Who do you think I am?”

“True. My mistake,” Rosalina replied with a conspiratorial grin. She rose to her feet, towering over the reclining dickgirl, and removed her ruined dress. She was tall, even more so than before, and the source was obvious—Widowmaker’s potent cum, its very touch making her skin tingle. Now Rosalina stepped over Widowmaker, planting her feet beside her hips, to place her cock between her legs before it grew too large to handle. It already seemed too late, in fact, when Widowmaker’s bulging glans kissed Rosalina’s cunt, her piss-slit alone almost the size of the Amazonian Princess’ slit. But Rosalina was no quitter—and with her pussy being responsible for nearly as much of the mess in the room as Widowmaker herself, she was as well lubricated as she could hope to be to tackle the monumental task of fitting the shestud’s shaft inside herself.

She fixed Widowmaker with a confident gaze and said, “allow me to make it up to you.” Then she pushed herself down, spreading her Princess pussy wide around the Frenchwoman’s godcock. “Oh fuck. Oh, fuuuck…”

Widowmaker, for her part, watched with naked glee. “As you will,” she quipped, her breathing growing ragged once more as the pleasure of Rosalina’s tight cunt rippled through her. And what did her arousal do? It made her cock grow faster.

Rosalina realized this with a mix of trepidation, unease, and sheer, unbounded lust. Luckily, lust won out, driving her all the way down Widowmaker’s eagerly pulsing dick. She was a big girl, sure, but the futa cock was bigger, growing as if to fill her out entirely. Already, her belly bulged, warping with the shape of Widowmaker’s shaft—and, after a blast or two of cum, rounded out, bloated and sloshing.

It was all she needed. The cumshots made her whole body tingle with a newfound warmth, a thrill that only made her hornier as her body grew all over: her tits, already so big and proud, her ass, becoming more bodacious than ever, and her very height itself, adding foot after foot of delectable stature to the impossibly curvaceous blonde. She sat down on Widowmaker’s hips and threw her head back, moaning for more.

Widowmaker licked her lips. “More I can do.” Gone was all care for her apartment, for the building, for Paris itself. Her passions were ignited—and she knew precisely what to do. She thrust into the burgeoning giantess in her lap, not so much moving her hips as letting her cock drive forward by growing several feet at once. And again. And again. Her balls gurgled, filling out beneath Rosalina’s mountainous thighs, which truly did swallow up Widowmaker, now. The floor started to groan, struggling with the weight. They found no mercy with the assassin or her eager giantess cockslut.

“Yes! Please!” Rosalina bellowed. She crashed through the roof with barely a thought, emerging into the moonlit night and only riding harder on Widowmaker’s cock. Her ass filled the boudoir completely, her tits growing to the size of the whole apartment as she rose dozens of feet taller, a true giantess.

Widowmaker was pressed up against Rosalina’s cunt, caressing her maddeningly erect clit with the same sly smile on her face. “How can I resist such a request?” she cooed, holding on with an effortless air as Rosalina’s legs crashed through the bottom floors of the building, filling the whole thing from inside before exploding through the exterior walls and replacing the dusty bricks with heaving, sweaty curves. The only outwardly visible mark of Widowmaker’s presence were the titanic, purple balls hanging below their coupling, and the immense bloating of Rosalina’s belly, inflating so rapidly that the giantess could not even hope to reach around herself. And with every twitch of Widowmaker’s cock, every gurgle of her bottomless balls, she cumflated Rosalina further, knocking down the surrounding apartment buildings to the sounds of stretching skin and feverish moans.

Rosalina loved it better than anything in her life. “Heavens, give me more!” she begged, her eyes glowing with the pink hearts for pupils as she thrust Widowmaker down on the pulverized ground below her and resumed bouncing on her cock; more akin to an oversized dildo, given the relative size of its owner, but so big, so good, that Rosalina felt like the toy herself, using her titanic body to please the overhung dickgirl. With every thrust, she rose taller, already towering over the nearby apartment buildings and adding dozens of feet more in overwhelmingly pleasurable spurts that left her fertility-goddess curves jiggling and quavering in renewed orgasm. Her moans pierced the night and her juices flooded the neighborhood—not that it would last long against her constantly expanding ass, her thick cheeks threatening to cover all of Paris before long.

“Mmh. Not bad,” Widowmaker purred, planting a quick kiss on Rosalina’s bulging clit—fully larger than the assassin herself by now—and flexed the EIffel tower between her legs. Her orgasm was a continual thing by now, a song that kept rising, kept flooding her mind with lustful satisfaction. Why should she hold back?

The answer, normally, was: ‘or the city gets destroyed’. But with the speed and the eagerness of the giantess bouncing on her cock, that was no longer a concern. And so, the sultry assassin let her feminine phallus surge, swelling by hundreds of feet at a time as the gurgling of her balls drowned out every other sound in the city, even, for a moment, the desperate cries from Rosalina and the resounding crash of her thick, jiggling ass coming down on the ground, again and again.

“Oh yes,” Rosalina hissed as her belly bloated anew with hundreds, thousands, of feet of throbbing cockflesh. “Yes, yes, yesss!” She rubbed her massive belly, watching it loom across the night sky, slick and reflective with the thick, haphazard coating of cum and sweat. And then came her own growth spurt, delayed by less than a minute, that sent her from a mere towering giantess to a city-dwarfing one, her form shooting miles into the sky and leaving her curvaceous body to flatten the metropolis with her desperate need to become curvier, the better to entice her stud to fill her more. Already, her breasts had grown past her hips, her ass fattening further with every passing minute, and yet it all paled in comparison to the monstrously round belly that Widow had bestowed upon her.

And then, when it all seemed too much to take, to even comprehend… she felt it. A shiver between her legs, a primal need, a demand from Widowmaker’s pulsing godcock. A throb.

Rosalina’s eyes widened. “Widow…?” she asked, squirming in place. Down there, between the miles-deep crevice of her delectable thighs, a tiny, but commanding figure flicked her clit and sent her eyes rolling back in her head. She had cum so much, grown so big. How much more could she take? How much could Widow still dish out? She gathered up all of her self control, shifting around her moon-sized belly to get at her mega-cocked lover. “Are you—”

A single throband she was thrown right back into mindless lust. She felt the cock inside her grow madly, stretching even her titanic cunt until she could barely think over the maddening, squirting orgasms that it gave her. “H-How…” Rosalina moaned, thrust into space as her ass smothered half the hemisphere beneath her—and Widowmaker’s ever-fattening balls took up the other half.

Widowmaker’s sultry laugh reached her ear. “You wanted more, ma cherie. Don’t tell me you’ve had enough. We’re just getting started…”

(Inspiration picture by Chainsmoker)


Start of Match:


5.4 E54 m  ≈ 6,090,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 universes

Score: 181.1


1.9 E14 m  ≈ 1740 Solar Systems

Score: 47.4

End of Match:


4.3E69 m

100 cocks

Score: 237.9


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