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I have stopped charging for my creative content! That does not mean I do not deserve to be compensated, but rather, I acknowledge that the place I'm at in my life means I cannot promise to deliver weekly or even monthly work. That said: I promise to give you your money's worth. You will get poetry, fiction, random essays, who knows what else. It will be a wondrous surprise in your inbox. If you stay subscribed, you will get it in your inbox. If not, you know, check back once in a while and see what I'm making- maybe it'll have been nothing for two months? Maybe I will have published a book's worth of materials here.

Why free? Because maybe you can't afford it right now. Or maybe you want to share my creativity with your friends, who don't know my work yet. Or maybe $12/year doesn't feel like a good trade for unpredictable spurts of creativity. Whatever it is, it's okay. I'll get back to being a more regular producer eventually. I hope. I don't want to commit to quitting, so this is my compromise.


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