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I'll be streaming again this Thursday the 21st and next week Thursday the 28th, both at 8:30 Central time. Here's that link again. (If you miss a stream, it stays up for about 10 days after!)

Last week's stream solved a lot of the audio and lag issues, but was somewhat comical in how low-tech it actually was. This is my small reminder that this is not a professional set up, or even a set up that I'm doing a lot of prep for (I don't have a lot of time in my day to day, and certainly not enough to set up a rehearsed or even planned show.)

That said, I don't think it's such a bad little stream. You can pop in for a couple of minutes, hear some Poe, or some Cole, or some Grimm's (this week, I've got a request for a family favorite Grimm story.) I'm still working on my banter, but I think I'm getting better. Last week we had a lovely little hangout with friends from New York, Chicago, Portland, the Bay, and across the dining room table. I think it'll be lovely again this week, and I'll re-read some of the pieces I did the first week, since the audio and video were out of sync and the audio cut out regularly.

Join me!


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