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Hi friends,

I'm starting to find a rhythm, finally. I haven't written anything yet- I get the ideas for things in my head, but can't quite make the time to get them digested or written. Instead I've been doing little sketches in a notebook my sister-in-law gave me over the holidays, working on my garden, sewing a few masks, and working on fabric pattern design.

I had a couple of random internet folks find my spoonflower page and order some of the designs I made a couple years ago, so I've got a little bit of money to work with over there, which I'm going to try to put into designing some new fabrics. (The way spoonflower works, to be able to put a design in your store, you need to have ordered a swatch of it yourself. Then you get a small cut of the profits when others buy what you design.) I'm going to continue to play with the mega-houndstooth for a bit longer in some other color combos, and then move onto another design I've been thinking about.

Visual art isn't usually my forte, but I've become a passable sewist, and I like having a pretty/funky/punky mask to wear when I leave the yard, and I feel really proud of the fact that I designed the pattern of the fabric. 

Maybe there’ll be words soon. Maybe it’ll be a bit.


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