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April is National Poetry Month, and my friend Joe Bozsic runs a Facebook group with writing prompts for every day of the month.

I haven't been in the habit of writing poetry in a while, having focused on short stories for the past year and change, but I feel like this sort of balance would be good for me, and provide a conduit for writing when it's felt hard for a while. Writing science fiction is especially hard when you feel like the world has suddenly moved into SciFi Horror. Poetry can be a little less concrete,  more intuitive a little more like reading tea leaves and less like looking at the weather forecast.

Joe posted a lead-up prompt last week- and I think I'll put my rough drafts here every day for patrons. Thank you for hanging in here with me. I've now done two full weeks of quarantine (not that I am sick, we can just afford to not be a link in the Covid chain), and knowing we're together, apart, is comforting.

I'm "retiring" the November short stories from basic level patrons. I'll work on them in the future and start submitting them to publishers. But all patrons will have access to the poetry I write during National Poetry Month, until I retire those a few months later. All of my shows that were definitely scheduled for 2020 have been canceled, and the ones that haven't been scheduled kind of hang in the air nebulously- that said, I'm really excited about all the humans who've said that they'd like to collaborate with me. I'll maybe take some time to point you in their direction as an appetite whetter, for.... who knows when.

Until then, stay safe, wash your hands, think of what you want the future to look like.


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