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Dec 26th - Dec 30th We are taking a break from posting new content. 

New weekly episodes will resume Jan 2, 2023! 

Our dear Patrons! 

Happy happy Holidays from the entire Gallifrey Gals team! We are so thankful for all of you here and as we always say (but truly truly mean) y’all really help make this all possible. Thank you for sticking around and hanging out through all of the reaction shenanigans. We wanted to personally give a heads up regarding content going into December. Last year we took off from posting content for the last two weeks of the year but this go around we will be taking off the final week! This hopefully helps us to try and have some time off for ourselves for the holidays and new year. We plan to continue regular reaction content the first week of January. Don’t you worry though we still plan on posting some fun extra content for y’all to enjoy! 

One thing we’d love to do if y’all are interested, is another Q&A! Have any questions for us? Let’s get to know each other a little bit more! (Please post your questions for the Q&A in this post's comment section) 

Questions regarding shows we will be reacting to in the future will most likely not make the cut just due to the fact that we have a growing list of requests in the show suggestion channel on our Discord. Which please be sure to hop on over and gain your Patreon access to the Discord community! 

With the warmest regards,

The Gals and Pals!



No questions, just a huge thank you for all y'all do! Happy Holidays!


Happy Holidays! ❤️ Will you guys be going to Gallifrey One in February?

Bruce Bromley

I hope the two of you, as well as Mikaela and the BTS Gremlin have a peaceful and safe Festivus season. Can't wait to see what 2023 has in store for all of us.


Happy Holidays to you all! 💚


Happy Holidays to everyone involved in these wonderful videos.


You want questions? I've got questions Is there a show that's surprised you by being different somehow than what you were expecting it to be before you started watching it? What's a typical filming day like? How many shows do you watch in a day and how many episodes per show? You did a post-watch discussion video for the Star Trek TNG season 2 finale. Would you ever consider doing something similar for another show or movie that you've already seen? You've watched individual episodes for older shows like Star Trek TOS and classic Doctor Who, instead of watching everything in order. How do you think that's affected your viewing experience? Is there anything overly positive or negative about seeing an episode without totally understanding everything that's happened to the characters previously? Is there a show you've reacted to that either of you would probably never have watched without Gallifrey Gals existing? When you're watching a show on your own time, do you find it hard not to verbalize your every thought and just enjoy the show? :) Paula has mentioned TNG and Avatar being her favorite shows of all time. What are Kat's favorite shows? When you finished a long running show like TNG or Doctor Who, would you consider doing some kind of wrap up video that sums up your feelings on the show and what your favorite/ least favorite things about it were? What goes into your decision about what show you'll watch next? Length of the show? How interesting it seems to you? Whether or not one of you has seen it before? Something else? Have I asked too many questions?

Mark Ten

OK (sniff) - this must be the Patreon version of coal in my stocking... I probably deserve it (sniff-sniff). Will try to do better next year. Enjoy (while I wallow in my misery).

Matthew Zeidman

Although I’m sure you’ve discussed it before, how did you all (Paula, Kat, the Chief Engineer/Gremlin and the rest of the team) meet? When you all get together in person, what do you do for fun? (Enjoy your upcoming vacation, BTW.)

Red Claw

What are your experiences watching Anime? Watched any? If so which ones have you seen? Do you like Anime?

Time Lord

Noooo! Don't see this as coal! We promise it will still be a good holiday! 🖤

Connor Black

I’m not sure if this technically falls under the purview of “future reaction” questions, but since LoVM Season 2 is going to be airing starting in January I was curious if there was a plan for “Get Critical” or if the plan was to wait till the current animated slot was finished out. Also, how have you all been doing? Hope all is well!