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Here we are with our Classic Who pit stop in between New Who shenanigans! Kat joins Paula on this one with never having seen anything of the 6th Doctor! What on Earth is happening this time?



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Gallifrey Gals Theme Song by:  NoAnie Music 


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This is "GG_WibblyWobbly_CW_VarosP1" by Gallifrey Gals Gremlin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Mark Ten

Peri is supposed to be an American and the BBC insisted Nicola pretend that she was actually an American (born & raised in Surrey, wink wink). The BBC also forced her to pretend she wasnt married. She hated the pretense but in those days you didnt buck the BBC if you wanted a career as an actor. She was mistreated by the powers that be in a lot of ways. She has had a successful career post Doctor Who. Years later I met Collin at a convention and asked if Nicola's accent really fooled anyone and he said that it was at least better than a lot of American actors trying to do British. I think that the BBC later explained that Peri was an American raised in Europe... yeah, sure.


Here's the clip they talk about at the beginning: https://youtu.be/d52sAu_tPxg


The guy in chains at the beginning is Jason Connery, the son of the original James Bond star Sean Connery. As well as Nicola Bryant, Colin Baker was also in an episode of Star Trek Continues. The stories of season 22 were all originally broadcasted as 45 minute episodes. Under that format all but one story are two parters. This season however was not fully completed as the show went into hiatus.

Keith Goodnight

Welcome to the era of the Classic series' low point in quality. Not Colin Baker's fault— he's gone on to do audio adventures with the "Big Finish" series and has shown how much better his Doctor could have been with a better production behind him, but almost everything behind the scenes was in a shambles. When Baker was cast, and the idea that his Doctor would be more abrasive and angry than others, his idea for his costume was something basically the same as Christopher Eccleston would later wear. Producer John Nathan-Turner wanted to go full-bore on the idea that the Doctor never really understands what Earth people would wear, and pushed the costume designer to create something garish. The designer knew it was a bad idea and tried to make the point by drawing the worst possible costume— and JN-T loved it and Baker was stuck with it. The silly cheesy costumes everyone else is wearing were part of the same creative vision throughout the era. Meanwhile, script editor Eric Saward firmly believed that the Doctor should become an 80s-style action hero in the mold of "Die Hard" and constantly wanted to have him use guns, have violent fight scenes, etc. And against both those visions, no one was really paying attention to writing good scripts or coherent stories. "Vengeance on Varos" is more or less the best of a bad lot, but that alone tells you how badly off the series was at this time.


"Peri is an American college student... but we didn't say WHERE she's going to college, or what degree programme she's undertaking! Sooooo she's going to University in England... yeahhh.... doing graduate work so she's been here almost 6 years, yeahhh... that's it..." -The BBC 😁

Mark Ten

The BBC had lost faith in Doctor Who and was making creative decisions that almost seemed to sabotage the show and the creative team. The outfit forced on Collin says it all. The show would be taken off the air to be "reworked" and of course there were no plans to bring it back. (Baker was fired over the phone). Fan reaction was so intense that the BBC was forced to actually bring it back... for a while.

Martyn Hill

This could have been worse at least its not "Timelash"

Ian Smith

Believe or not,the character of Peri was created in order to APPEAL to American audiences. Clearly,that idea backfired! Her costume (which Nicola Bryant disliked) was designed as 'something for the Dads', as the producer put it. For me,I think the story is fascinating and verging on being excellent - but the production is cheap, some of the performances are too theatrical,and the dialogue is often contrived. An extremely interesting idea,but a flawed execution (no pun intended).

Keith Goodnight

There's a chicken-and-egg situation in the era. The BBC was happy with Dr Who amid the 20th anniversary celebrations and "The Five Doctors" special. From that high point, both the BBC's attitude toward the show and the show's quality had declined fast. Which caused which? Ultimately both were happening on their own, but feeding off each other in a destructive spiral.

Funny That

The music is really unique, and good, apart from the damn bass trombone. Still think it was better to be watching Coronation Street though if you had the option. Maybe some not-Doctor doctoring, with a not actually the first female Doctor (though she is a teenage not-Doctor) in RTD's Dark Season. Also has Kate Winslet for the first time playing Clementine, and hence the mid-Alantic accent choice in Eternal Sunshine.

Nicole Mazza

Peri's costume at least didn't stay the bikini she wore in her first serial, 'Planet of Fire'. Tennant said seeing her in that costume as a teen (with all the lingering body and, particularly cleavage shots) sent him to some room for some 'private time'.

Mark Ten

The BBC went so far as to force her to hide the fact that was married at the time so as not to lessen her appeal to the dads. The BBC mistreated her, refused to let her work outside of Doctor Who (even on break, though it was a common practice) esp after she refused to appear in a sponsored panto because of exhaustion on set. Collin was rehearsing for the panto between shots on set, changing costumes on set and running to the theater at night and she was trying to focus on Doctor Who and did not feel capable of doing both. She was very young and the BBC wielded a lot of power back then and damaged her career out of spite because she tried to say no.


Wait... not Vimeo?? Huzzah!! There their they're, Paula. Lots of words sound the same :) Katrina: *laughing* "I'm crying, these are tears in my eyes" Little Golden Dude: Lalalalalalala *tongue waggly thing* Katrina: *little sick sound followed by a look of utter disgust* Me: Yeah, fair.


Yeah, Nichola Bryant has been in a TON. Doctor Who was her 3rd credit and she has 36 since. Lots of voice work in the podcasts as various characters.


Ah thanks. I wondered because it was usable :)

Paul Flux

Thanks Gals for a really interesting reaction. To be honest I've never actually seen these episodes before. As a 55 year old Brit, I had grown up with Doctor Who through the Pertwee, Tom Baker, and Davison eras. I watched the first Colin Baker episode, and my reaction was much like Paula's. Thanks but no thanks. Like a lot of my contemporaries I gave up on Who and looked elsewhere for my sci-fi fix. From time to time I have wondered whether my dislike of this era was because I was 'growing out' of it. In my late teens looking down on 'childish' stuff but not mature enough to see its charms? This reaction, and your reactions to what you saw convince me that this era really was as bad as I remember from the time it first aired. A pale shadow of what Doctor Who had been during my childhood. Almost a parody of its former self!

Paul Flux

It's true that this story has some good elements; the population lacking the basics of fair reward for their labour but blinded to their true predicament by mass 'entertainment' based on the suffering of others, the Governor trying to do the best for his people but trapped in a no win scenario, the evils of corporate greed and monopoly causing the colonists shortages in the first place. But all this is totally undermined by the weird production choices. The doctors ridiculous costume and abrasive, arrogant personality. The absurd 'rubber monster' villain of the week with his pantomime dialogue and delivery. (Katrina your reaction was priceless!) His 'sex slave' personal guards with bare chests and helmets. The good guys are blonde and unfeasibly good looking; the bad guy is a repulsive looking slug. The only two non white actors just stand around showing off their pecs, and get one word of dialogue between them. Peri wears as little as possible and runs backwards and forwards a lot. By this point its only loyalty to what the show used to be that kept it going at all.

Paul Flux

To be honest, I had already started to fall out of love with the show before Colin Baker took over, but it was his ridiculous costume and unlikeable character that were the last straws. While I rather liked Peter Davison's incarnation, it was clear that the story lines were not as good as they used to be (Earthshock is about the only one I remembered compared to several Tom Baker stories) and since the departure of Romana the companions had got successively less interesting too. They took a rather simplistic view that the best way to appeal to a section of audience was to make the next companion a representative of that group. We want to appeal to a younger audience - Adric the boy genius. We want to appeal to an Australian audience - Tegan the Australian Air stewardess. We want to appeal to an American audience - Peri the American student. At least they had the sense to cast a child actor and an actual Australian for the first two! Your reaction to both Peri's personality and accent shows how misguided they were. I'd also say that Adric was not popular with the intended target audience either. As a secondary school kid you did *not* want your contemporaries comparing you with Adric! He appealed to mothers of teenage boys rather than to teenage boys.


The fun thing about patreons voting for this one is that it really is the best of all the Sixth Doctor ones! So this really was people voting for the least bad option! And for Nicola Bryant as Peri, I will sympathise, accent wise, that while not nearly as bad as in the 1960s, this was still an era where retakes were kept to a minimum. Bryant going 'sorry, can I have another take, I hit that 'a' far too hard on that word,' simply wasn't going to happen. A lot has been talked too about how the showrunning producer, John Nathan-Turner, insisted on the coat (over his star and just about everybody else's objections) and how that changed everything around it almost unintentionally. Peri's outfits needed to be loud and cartoonish to avoid her just disappearing into the background next to them, the lighting levels had to be up, guest actors even spoke about feeling they were competing with the coat and had to go bigger with their performances because that was the tone the coat was setting.