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We've finally made it. One of the most divisive series arcs around, where will Paula fall on her opinion?? Can you all handle the spice that's about to come?!



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Gallifrey Gals Theme Song by:  NoAnie Music 


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Chuckleberry Finn

So the first doctor isn't the first. That's all that we we're mad about. Still love you guys but laughing at us who really didn't like this twist isn't cool either. I support when I can, love Jodie, she deserves more respect than she's ever gotten. Play with the status coue all you want, just don't piss on the roots.


That, and the fact that now The Doctor technically isn't a Timelord but something else, some wholly different species. I'm not even too upset about the first not being the first, but this other fact is what gets me.


Did i misunderstand something, the river song story still makes sense to me. Timelords got their abilities from the timeless child and wanted to pass this on to their descendants, couldnt one of the methods be through being in a tardis too long or at critical stages like as a fetus or baby? This way timelords could make new timelords by bringing people into the tardis on their honeymoons? Keep the genetic diversity high. Like who knows whats going on if you have 12 lives where some you are a man or woman, might be marrying your own sister?


"I didn't know any of that." Nobody did. It was heaved out in under 25 minutes and, while it doesn't 'retcon' the Timelords and Gallifrey, it does seriously toss a bunch of "uhmmm, but..." moments into 60+ years of story. Let's not even get into The Division nonsense. (And Clara was a terrible plot device character with no redeeming qualities). Paula asking "What? When? How?" and knowing there are no answers coming unless RTD decides to revisit this mess. You can't tie the treads together by saying "Have you ever cared about who you were?" and answering "No". Nothing is tied together, you just don't care that dozens of loose threads are just hanging there. We'll ignore the Cyberium even though we've seen the origin of the Cybermen a few times before and these couple of episodes are the first it's ever been mentioned, let alone be a huge MacGuffin. The Doctor Does Not Murder. The Doctor Does Not Commit Genocide. The Master knows The Doctor can't do it because it's 100% against EVERYTHING she is. Oh but hey, if some other rando wants to push the button it's fine. It's not The Doctors fault unless she sees it happen or pushes the button herself. No. We know the War Doctor did some terrible things and every Doctor that has come since (Eccelston, Tennant, Smith, and Whittaker) have all gone through emotional moments where they anguish over the fact that they murdered countless billions in that war. And here we see The Doctor just "Okay, you push that button while I run. Happy genocide to you!" The Master Won. Run from your decisions Doctor. Booooooo-urns! Booooooo! But, watching with the Gals is always fun and this episode does have a LOT of good bits. The Master is just *chef's kiss* Sacha Dhawan is just glorious,

RPGsus Plays

How were there no answers? Genuinely curious. Plus, 13 didn't just say "Ok. Happy genocide." She told him no and fought him on it until he basically had to yell at her to run.


None of The Doctors questions were answered. She just asked herself "When have you ever cared about who you were?" and she just dropped it and moved on. That would have solved a lot of issues for Eccelston's Doctor. Previous me just led a war that annihilated billions... but why should I care about that guy? Let's go dancing! Nah. Not for me. *shrug*

Lloyd B

I’ve been watching DW since the late 1960s, through numerous regenerations, stylistic and theme changes, and so on, and have no problem at all with the Timeless Child arc. People say it has broken the show’s canon, but Doctor Who doesn’t have, and never did have, a consistent overarching canon. Unlike Middle Earth, or Star Trek or Star Wars, it never started with a defined consistent universe and history. The name Time Lords wasn’t thought of until the end of Troughton’s era, and Gallifrey wasn’t named until the end of Pertwee’s run. Writers have cobbled pieces of lore and history as they’ve gone along, sometimes dismantling what’s gone before. The name of the show is Doctor Who, with the original intention that the Doctor was some mysterious traveler, of unknown origins. “Doctor Who” was never about his name (apart from a little joke in the very first episode when Ian calls him Doctor Forman, and the Doctor says “What’s he talking about? Doctor who?”). It was really only Moffatt who got obsessed with the Doctor’s name. It’s more about the mystery of the character, something that has gradually been lost over the years as we’ve discovered more about him/her. RTD brought some of that mystery back in 2005, but it’s been whittled away again. The Timeless Child, for me, reintroduces that mystery. It doesn’t make the Doctor a god or all powerful - we just don’t know where he/she came from to begin with. I also feel this fits perfectly well with the Time Lords’ duplicitous nature - creating a history which we think we know, but hiding the truth. Nor does it mean what we’ve seen revealed here is the truth, either. I think it’s a great concept, done very well, and I’m here for the ride, as I have been for over 50 years.

RPGsus Plays

Saying "Have you been limited by who you were before" and "When have you cared about who you were" are not the same. She's telling herself that finding out these things shouldn't hold her back from being the Doctor. She's still her no matter what she learns or doesn't know. Who she was before has never stopped her in the past from pressing on, saying she's the Doctor, and saving people. This should be no different. She still values her past that she does know.


Which still equates to 'no answers, let's move on.'

RPGsus Plays

Sorry to bother you. Also, sorry if I seemed rude. I guess I just like what this era is going for.


Nah, it's all good :) I enjoyed this season until this episode. It's still not 'Argh no! Gah! I hate things!' just... '*shrug* Meh. Didn't like this'. Oh! And that 'let's move on' was intended as a development comment, not anything about this discussion :)

RPGsus Plays

Oh ok. I just like the idea of the show saying that it doesn't matter where they're placed or how many there are because the Doctor is the Doctor. I think it's so much fun to have a way now, where someone, no matter who wants to in the future, can introduce new things or dip into the Doctor's past in an easy way.


That's fair. Like what you like. It's not hurting you or anyone else, so... enjoy :)


Fun =D


My feelings about this series (and the previous one) were and are complicated. I enjoyed it, I kept watching it, and when we got to this episode I'm pretty sure I felt all the things they wanted me to feel. But I'll admit that there was a touch of disappointment through many of the episodes, even though I'm still not sure I can point to a particular element or cause for that feeling. My best guess is probably a kind of reverse to what Paula talks about here: being so excited about having the Doctor be a woman and me psyching myself up for something amazingly awesome to only be really good, making it seem like it was worse than it actually was. I think its something that can happen with any sort of sequel/spin-off/franchise thing, particularly any of the long running ones. (Star Trek doesn't have this issue despite also being a ridiculously long-running franchise with multiple branches of its lore, and all its fans have cordial, respectful and logical discussions about its variations without acrimony. And if you believe that, well you'll believe that the Cybermen and the Borg have nothing in common.) There's a nostalgia that builds up for the thing you like, making it seem better than it really was and making it hard for the latest version or incarnation to live up to. Its something that is almost impossible to be done without disappointing some part of the fanbase, because there'll be some that don't like it because its not exactly the thing they remember, and others who'll complain about it being a redo of the original. In a bunch of ways, each incarnation of the Doctor and each new showrunner is like a sequel series to the previous one. Obviously there are cast changes, production style changes, pacing and tone changes, but they all at least aim to build on and continue from what's gone before, and each series (and collection of them with the different people out front and calling the shots) and each individual episode and even each reference manages that to varying degrees of success.

The Adopted Whovian

I absolutely love the Timeless Child revelation and the Doctor being the Timeless Child. It’s also quite a personal arc for me because it deals with themes of adoption and identity, and I’m adopted myself. So I’ve been really able to connect to many aspects of this arc. In fact Chris Chibnall confirmed in a Doctor Who Magazine interview that he’s adopted himself and said the Timeless Child is an adoption myth. The Doctor not being from Gallifrey just makes so much sense when you consider the fact that they’ve always felt out of place there. It’s their home and where they were brought up, but I think throughout the show you can see that the Doctor just wants to belong somewhere, and it’s not just because they’re a Time Traveller, it’s much deeper than that, which for me as an adoptee I relate to so much.

Keith Goodnight

I really, really despise the whole Timeless Child thing, but before I go on to rant about it— and since you raised this concern at the end of your video— let me start with: Kat and Paula, we are all still fans together. We evidently disagree about this point, but that's okay. I have sometimes disagreed and sometimes agreed with you in the past. In times to come I will probably sometimes disagree and sometimes agree again, but I'll still love your reaction videos in either case. Now on to my venting at the show: I don't care at all whether something is a "retcon" or not. Doctor Who has never had tight continuity (over its history, there've been multiple Atlantises, multiple extinctions of the dinosaurs, two Loch Ness monsters). Retcon doesn't matter even a tiny little bit. What matters is whether it's a *good* change in the mythology or not, and I don't believe the Timeless Child is— your mileage is free to vary, of course, this is just my own reaction, but: The Doctor is a "madman with a box," not the Special Chosen One, God Of Time. Being THE DOCTOR is enough. The 1970s era "series bible" by Terrance Dicks has been quoted a couple of times in dialogue in new Who, describing the Doctor's character this way: "Never cruel, never cowardly. Never gives up, never gives in." THAT is what's great about the Doctor, not the unknown backstory, which is just window dressing. The Timeless Child doesn't add to that, it takes away from it, in a way that really bugs me. And as far as that mysterious backstory goes, for its purpose in shaping the character it was better left simply unstated rather than being given such specific definition, being turned into a puzzle to solve. From that angle, the Timeless Child felt very similar to when Star Wars Episode I announced that you can measure the Force with in a blood test. There've been bad episodes in the show's long history (I'm looking at you, "Horns of Nimon" or "Underworld" or anything written by Pip & Jane Baker) but this is the first one that actually made me angry.

Red Claw

There were a way so that I wouldn't have minded the Ruth Doctor and the retcon. But the Doctor should never has been special. I don't like that Chibnall put the chosen one trope onto the Doctor. The Doctor was a simple Gallifreyan, that was nothing special and chose to be different. Now he is special and it's more like predetermination. The Doctor is special now, because he is special and not because he's a normal person that made a choice. I don't like it.


Honestly Paula, your reaction was exactly what my reaction was on the first watch, I was actually okay with it all, but then I let reviewers in videos I watched later on get into my head and ended up becoming really cynical and bitter about it. But truthfully, since watching your reaction, I now have a new found love for it. Totally agree with you on series 11, I don't think Zim/Tim Shore/Shaw was an interesting enough arc for me, but then again that was Chibnall's first showran series, so it's not necessarily gonna be perfect. But yeah, if anything I don't think it was newfounded at all, I think I've always felt that way about the timeless child arc underneath all of the pretentious cynicism. I think it's really cool. But of course everyone's welcome to have their opinion, there's nothing wrong with liking something a lot of people dislike and vice versa. I'm sorry to hear about the YouTube comments, people can be real dicks on there at times. I suppose that's what you get in a public forum without any real mods. But yeah I absolutely love you guys and your reactions! Can't wait for you to see series 13 Paula! 💙


I really like the Timeless Child story and the possibilities for future Who. I don't think it ruins the theme of the Doctor being special because they choose to be so. The memories are gone, were gone when the Doctor stole the Tardis and ran. Really, even with the memories gone, the abuse and experimentation were probably subconsciously a reason to run. Their choices since going on the run had nothing to do with being the Timeless Child. So there Doctor is special because they choose to be and even though they have this knowledge now there are so many lives and memories they may never recover.

Mark Ten

Didnt care for destroying Gallifrey again after all that we went through to bring it back. Reminds me of Alien 3 where we became so invested in the kid's survival in Alien 2... then in the sequel she's killed off screen before the movie starts. Last of the Time Lords every other regeneration.


I'm completely on board with Paula's fix of the River Song story. It never made sense that the time stream would lead Time Lords to be able to regenerate (or River Song)--the ability seems quite orthogonal to time travel. But an innate ability harvested from an other-planar life form--perhaps from the future, perhaps from the past, perhaps from just a parallel reality--makes much more sense. And THEN the ability to regenerate and thus be quasi-immortal gives them time and relatively less breakability so they can explore and do things like learning to do time travel. Also, the Tardis has a consciousness, it could have DELIBERATELY taken the Doctor's DNA and mixed it into River as she was conceived because it knew that was what was going to happen. The future often causes the past when Tardises are involved!

mark saunders

Completely disagree with everything you've said. And being angry is a bit of an overreaction, don't you think? Let's not go down the route of the toxic Star Wars and Star Trek fandoms which are, frankly, embarrassing at times.

Keith Goodnight

As CS Lewis once wrote, "Feelings are not things you do. Feelings are things that happen to you." Anger is the feeling that happened to me when I saw this episode the first time. A different feeling happened to you. That's fine. We react how we react, we feel how we feel.

Nicole Mazza

@Keith -- Amen. I was angry too. I hate being told I'm 'overreacting'. It's how I reacted. I can't help it. Different people react different ways and that's okay.