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Story & Art by CLX / Colors by Hernán Cabrera.




A special page with a lil sequence. At the creative stage, I pictured a bit more panels, but when storyboarding the page, some views were too similar, all the more we always see the side of the hero. I had some trouble with the warden face in panel 3: drawing the mouth kinda pinching inside says a lot, but visually it's hard to get, damn! For the record, this move is one of my fav in foreplay, hehe, that's why I wanted to draw this page, I guess!

Tyler Jocks

This comic just keeps getting hotter and hotter! Amazing work! 😍😍😍


Hihihi, thank you so much Tyler, so glad you think so!

That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

LOVE the sight of those teeth sinking into that soft, pale flesh. I hope they "proceed" all the way in the next panel! lol Seriously, good work, both of you!

Gabriel Lampert

I'll remember that bit of information about foreplay! And that 3rd panel looks like the warden is so aroused that he is unable to control himself.

Thomas Polk

Great page once again!

Patrick Fillion

OH WOW!!! 😋😛🥰😍 The way you rendered the playful biting of that beautiful buttcheek is sooooo brilliantly and subtly done -- MAGNIFICENT! It's super perfect. Also, the warden's enjoyment is so evident on his face and in his expression in panel 3... now that is some superb artistry!! You never cease to impress with your glorious new pages, mon ami!! BRAAAAAA-VO!!!!! 😍😍😍


Aww, thank you so much! Oh the two of them will go into it far much than any of you can expect! ;-)


Hihi, thanks a lot Gabriel, that's what I was going for!


Well, I did my best but I give credit to our talented colorist here LOL I'm so happy to read you r thoughts on panel 3, just as Gabriel's, it's reassuring as it's such complicated pose for the lips! Mille mercis, my friend!! XOXOX


Thank you so much, Nicolas, oh YES they're going at it! :-P