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A look back at my first gay adult comic "LUST". After a very battling one before!

Right there in page 9, I picked this panel to show wide. I recall the feeling of drawing such intimate view for a comic, it was kinda unsettling, but with the result, the reaction & all that came after, this feeling fade quickly.

Too bad I made scans of the 1st & last panels there, so no sketch.  Still I do have the storyboard of the whole page, and you can see it's different from the actual final page: panel 4 was too similar to the 2nd, so I went for the very nice close-up to the mouth & tongue. This was a cool move, I remember being very shy about it, willing to draw that so well!

On another side, I can't understand WHY I did draw the full mouth for the last panel, & did not for the 1st one. For the record I was experimenting, I guess I saw elsewhere you could just go for white, like there're the teeth there, but I should have drawn them instead. Well, lesson learned, hehe!



Patrick Fillion

I love this and I'm so happy you chose to feature the panel you did here -- it's SOOOOOO SEXY! Also, isn't it funny how we often can't figure out why we did certain things the way we did them in older pages! LOL! I guess maybe that's a statement to our experience! I often look back at my older work and think "What the Hell was I thinking?"! LOL! I think it's a pretty normal reaction among artists. Still, getting to look at these panels in such an intimate way is absolutely wonderful! As always, many thanks for sharing your stunning work with us!! XOXO 👏👏👏


You know, I really dig to look back at the older art now, it's sometimes embarrassing, but also promising, how far we can go, how better our art can get? I'm so glad you like this oldie, though, it's thank to these first panels, pages, that everything started, right after THE starting point: meeting you & Fraser in SF a few months before I drawn this! I cherish the memory so much, I really hope to meet you guys again!