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As you know I've been busy the past week promoting my art & comics during a 4 days comiccon. The last day I had the chance to sign lots of LUST comics, I'm so happy about it, ha!

During that time I practiced a lot my inking, it actually drives people to you. I had good feedbacks, even 2 professional guys telling me I should go for the manga format for my next project involving inking. I'm not sure about the outcome, as I give it a thought, but I'm more comfortable with the US comic format, seeing what I've done so far with the 4 chapters of LUST.

Anyway, here you see one of the numerous tests I did. I also wanted to practice the neck anatomy I studied lately. Expect more inks all through the month, some very sexy NSFW ones, hehe! Also 2 new pages for LUST #4, including the arrival (finally!) of the some new characters and lots of nudity. All this with the christmas holidays, yay!
