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Third comic <<< 

Second comic <<<

First comic <<< 




It's a long journey our hero is on. I wanted to describe it with some snapshots of the land he's walking in, deeper & deeper. Also illustrating it with the water he need to drink. This panel 3 took me way back in chapter 2 when he's drinking at these bottles for the very first time. I must say I'm thrilled with how he looks on every single panel here, for a change! The pose in panel 2, playing with the obliques also in the background might be my favorite. But I'm a sucker for the very classic posing in panel 4, ha! Speaking of it, he's gonna head to a waterfall, right? Oh yeah, it was in the title! XD

That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

I'm actually scared for our hero. Stranded. Alone. On a deserted island. After he and his lover were attacked. Worse yet, in television shows, waterfalls are either booby traps or things for people to go over the side of. Or, if you were watching Cinemax in the 80s and 90s, places to have kinky outdoor sex in. I'm rooting for the last one.


My guess is you are rooting for the right team. ^^ Still, you never know what can come out from a waterfall, right? I appreciate your feelings towards the hero and the situation, I want you readers to feel such things. Yeah, amongst some others for sure! ;-)