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This page as a very first time for me: the character out of his panel and crossing both others! A little trick I've seen a lot in my friend's comics Patrick Fillion, hehe! Drawing bottles of water was fun to do: there's a way to give the volume, the tranparency, the liquid feel. The second panel killed me: so incredibly hard to draw such perspective, I had perfect references but it's a freaking stunt to draw that, believe me!! The view he sees on the ocean is a good training, cause let me tell you there's a lot of waves and ocean in the next double page. Okay, and very hot body too, for sure! :-P

Patrick Fillion

AWWWW -- so happy I could be of inspiration, mon ami -- I LOOOOVE the way you drew this page. I find the dynamic "crossing of panels" is especially effective on a page like this one that conveys so much of a scene and it immediately shows you Jack's expression as he views the "SEAMAN"! HA HA HA! XD You did a superb job on this entire page -- and even though you found the second panel a challenge, you can rest easy because you NAILED IT! Glorious perspective -- une grande réussite, cher ami! MErveilleux travail!! :D :D


Merci merci !! I also got a step by step scheduled for this hard panel. I do love the last drawing, his smile is everything, and you're gonna get why he's smiling this way in the next pages XD