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Ha! It was such a pleasure to draw him here, in the jungle, the bamboos. It's very good memory from the first chapter created last year!

The plus stage for this creative process is the big custom memory filter: it shows how our main character pictures the man in his head.

Never told you this before but I do have in mind bonus pages for some flashbacks of the characters. Like when they were in the plane, how they did interact before. It's much too early to tell more about this idea, and honestly I don't see how I could add this to the current amount of work I have on my hands with the chapter going on. But still, wanted to let you know: a creative mind never stops. Who said unfortunately?? XD

Thanks a lot for the amazing support guys, and welcome to the newest patrons, so glad to have you on board!



Patrick Fillion

Such a handsome portrait... And the step by step allows us to linger on his masculine beauty. Plus I love the idea of flashbacks for some of the characters. I cannot wait to see what you have in mind, cher Clx!!! XD


Thank you so much, Patrick! I have so many things in mind, but so little time. Sure you know the feeling ;-)