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This page is a nice bridge between the two chapters: I enjoyed giving him visual memories from past season, finding cool fx to render the panels showing what he's remembering. I almost wanted to add the infos balloons you get in all comics "see in chapter 1" or such, but I didn't want to disturb the reading, I guess it's better naked (hehe). Drawing a plane wing, engine, etc. is not that easy. Gotta get used to it, though, as it's the new setup for this episode! Anyway I was thrilled to draw back some jungle fever here ;-)

JN Valente

Brilliant way to recap, to keep the suspense and to see his plight in great detail (he is going to have a scar on the right side of his face) and I hope that not only the guy he chased but also the one he refers to as 'Stud', rightly so (it seems he really liked their ..encounter, and who can blame him? - so did I, vicariously). With all the characters that you already told us will be in this chapter I can't help imagining a nice romantic Lust 3 and a very orgiac chapter 2. I hope there can be lots of sex and of course it would be nice to know what made the plane crash. The amount of work you have ahead would frighten me because I am lazy. Thankfully you are not only talented (a lot) you are also very hard-working. I won't interrupt the creative juices from flowing so I'll stop now but I can't help (possibly wishful-)thinking this chapter is going to feel deliciously long . It's the 5th time I have been here and I've been looking at this page even more times than that. I wish you.. productivity and happiness. Beijo.

Patrick Fillion

Panel 1 is sooooo good! It's a great POV and a really cool way to look at this scene. The engine of the plane may be tricky to draw, but you sure nailed it!! And I love the way Jack "recollects" Logan and the young hunk from earlier in the story, too. It bodes really well for the pages to come. Beautiful work, mon ami -- comme d'habitude. I can't wait for page 3!! ❤️❤️


OMG you read my mind or what?? Hahaha you got it almost right, buddy! Also about the amount of work. At some point it's scaring me as Hell, but then I look at the chapter one and say to myself: look what you've done so far: you made it! So now I now I can go further and make all the chapter 2 as planned in my head and fantasies. I'm on an ambitious double page now, really hard work but nothing comparing to what comes a bit later, hehe! I guess I love challenges ;-) Merci pour ton soutien et ta gentillesse ! Bises


The first panel looked easy in my head, oh man when I had to draw it I knew I was wrong LOL Merci Patrick, t'es adorable, bises !