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Hello Undying and God tier!

There is finally enough working parts in v10 to release a Beta for DDB Importer.

What is this?

There is a new version of Foundry coming out August-ish (v10). There are some fairly major changes to the scheme which has required a fairly extensive rewrite of DDB Importer.

Should I install this?

Absolutely not. Certainly don't install v10 onto any worlds where you care about the data.

Why release this?

Testing, compatibility etc.


Install the Beta version of the module from https://artifacts.ddb.mrprimate.co.uk/ddb/v10/patreon/83jdu3/module.json - this will be kept in sync with the regular module with the additional changes - when this is merged into the regular module the module will automatically update to use the regular endpoint.

Current restrictions

* DAE and Midi effects are not fully v10 complete and are being worked on!

* The new vision mode system doesn't have many options for 5e yet, so some characters with multiple vision (i.e. blindsight to 5ft and darkness to 60 ft) will get the highest distance vision applied.

When will other tiers see this?

I hope to roll it out to everyone close to v10 release date.

Please let me know how you get on, any bugs, and any suggestions for improvement. There is a new channel on discord #v10-feedback




So this was working yesterday, but for some reason whenever I try to import a character right now I get this error message: Error processing Character: TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'name' in null


"Circle of Stars" druid import is not working. Switched same character to "circle of land" and "circle of shepherd" and both those character imports works.