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Hello my Patrons!

Probably you know, I have my official English comic of recent Prina series, "Twin Dungeon Princesses 7" and "10th Anniversary Special".

And I finished re-making 19 pages of English version of "Prina 1".

(Those translated comics are in my doujin archive, for $10+ pledgers)

But re-making all classic titles are very time consuming. I hope to finish it as a long term project... but there are also important new projects.

So, I uploaded "Fan-Sub" pics of all my classic Prina comics,  for Patrons who had not read it yet.


You can get them somewhere in the internet... but saying "Please google my name and download unofficial pics" in my Patreon is slightly silly... isn't it?

Well, those pics are not good quality, and English text are not perfect.

As I said, I hope to replace them by my high-quality official pics, in the future.

And of course, I'll show you whole new comic pages of Prina saga!

Thank you!

(I added those pics to my archive too, for convenience of new Patrons)




Prina is so sexy. I love that series and everyone in it.


My favorite has to be Twin 3, the Orcs are boss :)