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Hello my Patrons!

I'm Sorry for delay of sending monthly rewards.

Recent days, I had a serious problem around my family, and my works were suspended. But I think I can re-start it soon.

Also, I'm making revised English text for my newest comic "Chastity Reverse World Anthology", with my translator.

So I'll send you monthly rewards with Revised version of the comic, relatively soon.

I guess all $10+ Patrons can access my archive now, but if you don't (for example you are a new Patron and I missed Patreon informing message), please contact me.

About my proceeding project, "Gyaru vs Bimbo" theme comic.

The publisher I contracted changed its publishing schedule, August to October. And they demanded the release of the same time. So its English version will be released around October. Sorry again for your waiting....

Okay, anyway I'll make some hot new stuffs for coming Summer!

Thank you for your support!




Spread the good word of both worlds! =D


I hope everything is fine on the family side now :)


Hope the real world works out fine for you.

Terry Chill

It's good Rebis. Family matters are legit reason.

Wil G

Take of personal matters always, we can wait. Family is most important.


Take care on the family side of things. Hope things go well