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Hello my Patrons!

I keep drawing some character design sketches between my comic & CG works.

Today I hope to show you newly finished design...
In this time, another Kappa girl!

Please check out a previous post if you missed it.

Okay, third Kappa girl is... Gawairo!

Gawairo is very rare subrace of Kappa, live in Gifu prefecture(????.

They have poisonous liquid in the dish on their head. If water around them is poisoned by it, water become sticky, so their victim can't escape from the river. Then Gawairo catches its victim and remove its shirikodama??? (or anus) !

In "Anime-Tamae!" comic, Gawairo is emotionless-type mysterious beauty. And poisoned water looks like sexy lotion :D

She looks like always thinking some mysterious things... but indeed, on 99% occasions, she is thinking about butts and anus.

Personally I'm satisfied her skin color scheme! It represents both tanned beauty and monstrous green. So I re-visit Kappa and Kenmun, repaint their skins. Here they are!

I had not drawn Kappa girls until recently. Now I noticed they really suit my art style... always wet, and fondness for booties.

I hope to draw them in the future episodes!

Oh, but before it, I should show you more episodes in English!

I'm working hard on Anime-Tamae! episode 5 English version, and I believe I can show you all pages soon!

Please wait for a while.

Thank you very much for your support!



Just Me

Pretty sure these are the cutest and sexiest Kappa designs I’ve ever seen^^ I like the idea with the shell patterns on the back of their swimsuits. Merges the traditional elements with your style really well XD Also: Happy Birthday!


They are the sexiest cute Kappas . . . . but I always will consider Dendy the pure cutest Kappa ever <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/uef96p1kes79z3g/Dendy_rendy.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/uef96p1kes79z3g/Dendy_rendy.png?dl=0</a> . Also Happy Birthday Rebbis!


Oh my gods I am in love! Gawairo is my dream girl! She looks so beautiful sexy thicc and just pure flawless perfection! And gods know i love her butt too. Oh my gods thank you! Thank you so much for this beautiful goddess along with her sisters! They are all beautiful sexy gorgeous thicc masterpieces of perfection! You are truly a legendary emperor god of awesomeness destined for fame glory and greatness y friend! The Best of the best and greatest of the greatest! *ULTRA YETIHUG* Also, *Ahem* ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY! CONGRATULATIONS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WITH SALUTATIONS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY YOUR SKIES STAY BLUUUUUUUUUUUUE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY REBIS! *ULTRA OMNI MEGA YETIHUG*

Sousuke Drake

Happy Birthday Rebis! 🍰🎈 I Love the concept of Gawairo, Like a wild animal she has to be respected because of her dangerous nature Her emotionless face is very cute

Stephen Smith

Happy Birthday! The most tragic thing about these characters is that you won't be drawing them being knocked up. I'd especially like to see that middle one with a nice big pregnant belly... mmmmmm...


Happy Birthday Rebis!


Happy B-Day Rebis! I love the worlds you've built for Prina and Anime-Tamae! I love worlds of beautiful women and yuri! Always looking forward to more.

Richard Reynolds

Lovely work! And happy birthday to you, Rebis-san! Thank you for all your hard work! I hope you have a good day!