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Hello again, my great patrons!

As I said in my last post, I'm thinking about whether I should go "Remastering" project of [Twin Dungeon Princesses 6] (including additional pages I've showed ) or not.

Happily I'm receiving enough support for translation fee from you kind patrons. (Thank you!) Problem is, yes, Time.

Focusing on ongoing/new projects is always most important.

But Prina Saga is also important... sometimes I hear fan-sub versions are not so good translated. Making remaster may be a good foundation work for my artist life.

Would you vote, or tell me your opinion as comments?

Thank you!



I say which is easiest for you my god emperor of awesomeness. You work so hard and I wish you only joy and happiness. *yetihug* Thank you for everything my friend. i wish I could help you to ease your work load.


I, personally, would prefer you work on other projects. This is costing you as well, so there's no reason to spend your money on something that's already adequate at this point. I'm more interested in ANIME-TAMAE being translated myself. : )

Sousuke Drake

I think a lot of people here would like to see you go full steam ahead on new projects, like (Anime-Tame, New Prina Comics, Reality porn app and the Chinbotsu collaboration project) I would like the say that the Fansub is not "enough" for me, and perhaps that could be addressed in the future Whatever the end result will be, Thank you Rebis