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Hello my dear Patrons!

Thank you for your voting for the polls around Alexis' surname.

The Result is...

Winner : Hill/Hills!

I talked with some Japansese people, and we agreed "hills" sounds better in Japanese ears. So now, Alxis is Alexis Hills!

(Though it is still JP edition, Alexis says "I'm Alexis Hills". Also you can confirm her curvy hills!)

Thank you again all patrons joined this naming event, and especially I should mention winners... Just Me, Erik Miller, and ShockInfantry!

I still love all other candidates, so I hope to use them as surnames for other American/English characters in the future!




CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS OF HELPING THE NAMING OF THIS BEAUTIFUL SEXY GODDESS! AND A SPECIALLY THANK YOU T THE GOD EMPEROR OF GOD KINGS THAT CREATED HER! *ULTRA YETIHUG* She looks breathtakingly sexy Rebis! Thank you so much for all your hard work on this gorgeous sexy masterpiece of perfection! Gods Alexis Hills is so hot!


Congrats on her surname selection. =D

Sousuke Drake

Alexis Hills does sound good


Congrats! I can't wait to see more of her <3


Looking forward to more content with her!

Erik Miller

Glad I could be of assistance!