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Hello my Patrons!

Thank you for your many ideas and voices for my last post, " Please give Alexis her family name! "


I picked up some of your ideas, and then from hints you said, add some surnames from my thought. Please see a list below, then vote for Alexis' good family name!

[Virginia] (From Kaiyeti, thanks!)

"Virgin" is a good word for pure Alexis. Also, Alexis + name of state remembers me "Alexis Texas" :D

[Anderson] (From Marcus Blue, thanks!)

I like alliterative, like Kendra Kendrix. It is easy to remember!

[Hill/Hills] (From Just Me, Erik Miller, and ShockInfantry, thanks!)

I like an idea of "associating Hill with Curvy line of Alexis".
From Japanese sense, "Alexis Hills" sounds better, so I add it as an option.

Also, inspired from your ideas, I serached English surname list, and picked up some uncommon surnames.
(In my opinion, comic characters should have an uncommon name)

Though I don't know whether it sounds oddly or not. So I hope to hear your opinions.


"Alliterative" again (probably...?)
Also, Alexis has "Apple Bottom" :D


I feel it has taste of "Babe".


Like above, I remember "Tashy" from it!

Would you like vote to your best surname for Alexis?

Also, your opinions and free comments are very welcome!

Thank you!

PS. Basically Poll is $10+ reward, but this post opens widely. Because every patrons can see my last post.



Hill sounds ideal...still, Babcock...hehehe, I am reminded of Tara Babcock now. =P

Just Me

Well… I kinda like Appleton, but have to go with my own suggestion XD I think I'd prefer Hills over Hill though (and I still think a compound surname like Alexis Grant-Hills to really drive the point home would be amusing, but might be too “on the nose”)

Terry Chill

Thanks fornletting us pick. Makes it feel like we contributed


They are all great and amazing choices adding some sexiness and cuteness it Alexis the sexy adorable thicc goddess cute humpable booty. Thank you so much for picking one of mine my god king of awesomeness friend! It is a true honor! *ultra yetihug* As for the name I'll pick Appleton because the applebottom fits her perfectly. I mean just look at that sexy ass you want to eat it all day. *yetihug* Thank you so much for all of your hard work and for being so incredible and awesome my god king of awesomeness friend!

Erik Miller

Holy crap, my suggestion is in the lead. Thats a first.


I'm going for Appleton! But if Hill winds I want it Singular. Alexis Hill! :P


Dem hills! :3


I just hope Alexis gets some sweet, sweet Yuri - 3-