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A calendar you can actually write in.

The standard ol grid calendars have always annoyed me because of their super limited space. How on earth are you supposed to write anything into those tiny cells???

Hence why I set out to try and make a calendar that had more space to write in. I also wanted it to be minimalist and still a single compact thing you can stick on the wall.

Procrastinating from my schoolwork I wrote down the days top to bottom. Oh hey! this worked!

Like a notepad, you can literally do anything on it. 

Split it into columns, draw a to-do list, highlight some days, or just doodle?

Need more space? How about making a box over three lines to the right and drawing an arrow to the day it's about on the left. Or maybe even put a sticky note on that particular day. It's not like we have big days everyday, or maybe I'm just not busy enough? 

Try that on a standard grid calendar.

But yeah, try it out! It's just a printable A4 thing. Maybe I could someday get it mass printed on some nice paper with a magnetic wall mount and built in clock or something, and even maybe some way to sync it with your phone, (yes physical calendar in your phone) but for now thats just a dream.

Grab it below! And feedback welcome, as usual. I always want to improve!
(Hopefully the dates are right... Tell me if they aren't)



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