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Hello patrons!!

Did you notice the new look around here?? I wonder what you think about it!

This is the beginning of my self-improvement journey. I wish to be more emotionally connected, engaging and social, while also developing my skills as a designer (and kind of artist too).

Rethink Myself.

I'm still trying to figure out how I should go about doing things, which is why things are still pretty slow and delayed compared to previously.
I'm basically rethinking myself and my entire life, looking back, at the now and into the future, looking at what I have and where I'm headed and everything. It doesn't sound like much but it can get mentally draining sometimes ahahha.

Rethink my Patreon.
Welcome to my store.

With this great remodel I wanted to spice up the patreon and get started with my goal of becoming more emotionally connected.

So my patreon is now a little store!
(no more a place where I dump bits and pieces of stuff I make and hope people get interested in that grey and lifeless system)

Since I like to make more usable creative works, that aren't just visual, I thought this theme was a good idea. I wonder what you think about it?

Rethink Posts.
A new homepage.

With an actual theme for this place now I also wanted to make it easier to find stuff and navigate it, rather than scrolling through a ton of posts with the good stuff buried, mixed in and super hard to find.

So, as you've probably seen, I've made a new Homepage!
Here you can find a more collated list of my projects that are available so far, in a way that is more neatly presented.

This page will continue to be updated as new things come out, so keep an eye on it!
On my postlist it is also pinned in the categories section with its own special "Start Here" category.

Check out the new Homepage if you haven't already!
If you're on the mobile app, its kind of best on the website as I'm doing a page switchy thing.
It does work but not that smoothly!

Revise the Tiers (Coming Soon).

The tiers I had were kind of sad and lifeless. Well, everything here was kind of sad and lifeless, cuz I think I was myself.

I want to change that, so I've decided on new tiers which will eventually have more engaging content!

Some pricing will change from hereon now that I have more content to offer, but I would love to keep the price that all of you early supporters commit the same to thank you all!
So, you will soon be granted the OGs tier. A special tier hidden from newcomers, which offer you the benefits of the new "Special Access!" Tier (explained soon below) for a lower price thats the same as what you're committing currently.
Thank you so much for your early support especially before I had much things to offer here. It was very encouraging and inspiring to me, and it really gives me a push to maintain and improve my skills, and keep creating.

Now, time for the new tiers.

I have more content to work with now, and as I'm seeing my patreon as a kind of store, I'm introducing the "Store Pass" tier!
This base tier will just give access to completed projects only, as I think this is what most people come here for: simply to just grab some good stuff. 
So I want to give a nice and clear direction for those people with one simple clear price, no commitment. 

$3 USD will give patrons in this tier access to my completed creations found on the Homepage!
However, it would be limited to that, and maybe some update announcements like this.

Trying to be generous, I think $3 usd is a fair price for all that is to offer there. It will also continue to grow in value as I add more and more things to grab!
Such as my wall calendar coming soon. Grabbing that calendar itself somewhere else would probably be like $12.
I hope newcomers will enjoy this newly labelled, more straightforward tier!

For early releases, and more casual content, I'm making a new special access tier.

Tier 2 will be remade as the "Special Access" tier.
This tier is also the same as the OGs Tier that all you existing supporters will get!
Newcomers will need to commit $8/mo (usd), but OGs commit the $3/mo you all are used to.
With this, you can get more frequent updates with early peeks, casual posts and more:
• More frequent posts about what I'm working on
• I want to share more of myself so maybe casual posts about stuff I find interesting.
(Still kinda not used to sharing so much to the internet!)
• WiP access to some projects, essentially allowing you to get the projects early while they're still in construction.
• Whatever else comes along on the way!
• This tier will also gain access to a special place in my discord server.
(Which is kind of also looking in need of an update. I'll need to think about what to do with that one, but I want it to be something good too!)

To provide an option for the biggest supporters (am I worthy to you?) I'm going to rename the higher Tier 3 to Super Supporter!
For now, I still need to figure out what I could offer. Maybe we could have a chat and I could see what I can share, otherwise, this is the same as the Special Access with a nice label!
I will also make a discord channel specially for Supper Supporters. I kind of want to talk to you a little bit just for fun!

So yea, that sums up most the changes for Patreon.

What did you think? Do tell me in the comments below!
I always love seeing comments and I will try reading yours as soon as I can! (I've got notifications setup for them)

I would love to create a comfy little community, and I'm doing my best to become a better me. Especially with regards to having a relatable personality instead of just some distant empty void which good stuff comes out from in a mysterious lifeless fashion.

I'll be setting the tiers gradually soon, and I'd also like to prep that calendar.
My energy and free time has been all over the place though, so wish me luck!

Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you get to spend it with someone, or even just comfortably yourself!



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