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I've successfully overpowered rockbox with my theme.

As it was larger than 1mb, the Rockbox site didn't want to accept it. So it requires a manual install.

You should be able to follow the steps to get it installed all good though, so head over to the rockbox installer or theme site to get it installed!Enjoy!

I'll be busy over the next week due to assessments and presentations, but the next thing on my list will be a fully user-customisable new InfoMatrix update. Shouldn't take nearly as long as FreshOS as it's like 5x simpler.

After that comes Light theme for FreshOS, should also be much quicker as most of the theme is all set.

See you very soon and enjoy!




I've only just found you from a post on Reddit which lead me to download the theme on Rockbox and then the link telling me to download it from the forums. This theme looks amazing!! Hands down the BEST theme for Rockbox I've seen yet! Very interested in any of the extras you have here on Patreon for it and curious to see what else you are creating. :)


thank youu!!!!