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Here is SRG Emily 3 Normal version for everyone.



Now that that is out of the way...

Recent Unpledges.

I noticed around 30th and the 1st itself that my pledges went down from 80 to 67, I went onto the exit surveys and most were not filled in at all. If there is a legitimate reason by all means let me know via message before you unpledge.

With that said a few raised my eyebrow...

1 said 'impacted by COVID 19' hope they get better, I was surprised that was on there though. 

2 said the rewards were hard to find...a quick message and I would have pointed out the PINNED post with links to everything.

1 said I was not as active as they wanted me to be. Well I have to do the work sometime ;-)

And yeah I get it, the tax situation for US pledges, btw the way since I'm not in the US has that increased your bill? If so I understand, let me know.

With all that said however, please do enjoy the Normal Version. Extended patrons feel free to watch it as the extended will be the same + 1 scene.

For this video I wanted to not only have that introducing new stuff thing I've been doing lately (which has been working! I think it's like a soap opera/sitcom leave the ending on a 'waht happens next' and people like it) but I also wanted to re-assure fans that I wont keep going off on random tangents. With this video released there is only 1 really big thing left to introduce in later videos and that's it. I don't want to fall into the trap of keeping introducing new stuff and leaving the existing characters hollow.

So expect some new AND some old faces from before!!! Comments welcome, they keep me motivated and going. I'll work on the extended version and then I'm going to be doing the video with Blacksheep's character 'Alina' Next.


Andrew Rowe

Rather you work on current characters (richer, vibrant, fleshed out, more detail on backstory). I think you've got enough characters for now, especially with the introduction of Blacksheep's stable.

Andrew Rowe

So when do u expect to release the extended version of SRG 3?

Andrew Rowe

That's chickenshit Icarus! For your patrons to bail for a few measly dollars. O, the humanity...


My usual deadline of 'by the end of the 5th' hopefully. There's only 1 sex scene left to do for that one.


I'm sure they had their reasons, I will never stop people from leaving or going to another creator, I fully support free choice. I just wish I had the opportunity to turn it around.


Alina is going to be a one off video. But yeah, I want to expand on the characters as they are now. There is 1 more huge main character left to introduce and then we have everyone ready for the build up to the endgame.


Hey hang in there, just like any other business it will take time to regain the people you lost. When a sense of normalcy returns down the road patrons will return to icarus, just you watch. Also, in regards to SRG 3 extended I thought it was finished or am I wrong, Thanks!


Oh don't worry about it, I long ago learnt not to take it personally. Best thing to do is to win them back, show them what they are missing. SRG Emily 3 Extended animation and story is finished but I have to add sound for the final sex scene.


I Need a Code ! How will get him?


And what then?


Okay Thank you it worked! One question please.... How many Honeymoon videos you have already and in wich one izzy makes her pregnant?


C'est quoi le mot clé pour déverrouiller la vidéos


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