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Some of you may have been wondering what has got me so excited lately. Some might be wondering why there is no video poll this month...

Some of you might be wondering what this mysterious project that MIGHT (still not confirmed) happen is about? I finally got permission off my project partner to post this (had to make sure we had models that worked and we hammered out a plot) and...Well....I'll just leave this here..


(Remember to highlight ALL of the link...)


P.s. I'm rather okay at making trailers....Didn't think I would be honestly.





dont click. Drag and highlight ALL of the link and then paste into your URL bar. Patreon cuts mega links in half for some reason.

A. J. Macks II

Partnering with BSO...maaaaaannn.


Wow, this blew me away. I would normally have been worried about you merging your work on a project as i love your stuff so much,,,BUT Blacksheeps work is amazing, and the trailer was fantastic, (Hollywood next?) :) I cannot wait to see what you two put together. Isadora the Sheep Explorer...(hmm maybe not that title) :)

Andrew Rowe

Can't wait to c what you 2 come up with!


Head explosion!


epic - it will rock the world to its core