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Firstoff I hope everyone is okay and got my message about staying safe during this pandemic, I got 4 replies so far to that (including 1 that was just a laugh emoji, yeah....great) so I'm hoping everyone is.

Secondly after this I'm going to add a bit more the character bio's and then i'm gonna start on the Lana video. I've already got a story in my mind I wanna do. But the reason I wanted to write this poll is that I had an idea, something I have been wanting to do for a while... (If you don't like spoilers, even possible ones then stop reading here)

Now it's clear that my universe has some powerful figures in it, with the introduction of a new species in the Isadora Wife Explorer Video, Xala being a complete overpowered badass, everyone being scared by Katya etc etc. Now those who looked at my post on the endgame will realise that sooner or later people will move against Lana, whether as a pre-emptive strike or because Lana overreaches herself,  Of course this means going up against Katya who is no stranger to a good fight. It's equally clear that people might not want to lose Katya (if such a thing were possible), also that she may wish to improve herself. So my idea which is ONLY A POSSIBILITY and not set in stone yet is:

A mechanically augmented Katya!!!!! Now to keep it within some real lines prosthetics, mechanical ones too exist today. But only the really powerful or rich can get them. So firstly I wish to know WOULD YOU BE COMFORTABLE with that idea? Not to implement it but if it were, how many of you could be COMFORTABLE with it?

Look awesome right? Not only her natural power but also mechanical augmentation as well. Picture above is the normal mechanical augmentation and the picture above that one is full battle suit augmentation.

The other part of the vote is exactly HOW this would occur? I have a few scenario's I'll run by you and I wanna see how many you would be COMFORTABLE with, again you ARE NOT VOTING FOR IMPLEMENTATION, only for me to see how many of you are comfortable with a scenario.

Note: This augmentation process will take place AFTER the 'end to all' video of mine IF I implement it, it's just an idea at the moment. (if you haven't watched that video you can find it on my pornhub). So you have to imagine about a year from now, most of the series's will have ended and a conclusion reached. Some or all of the futa girls dead, enslaved, maybe living etc. After EMILY, After LANA, AFTER Izzy, AFTER Maga Mum etc etc. So long after these have reached their ending and those still alive will have background appearances, their will be new characters, new stories. But will Katya be among them, one of the old character that makes an appearance?


1) Katya Chooses To - Katya herself chooses to undergo the augmentation process to become even more stronger, perhaps she has dealt with the meddlesome attackers and now wishes the power to fight Xala in an epic climactic battle? Perhaps she is asked to by one of the surviving girls in order to protect them? At any rate Katya makes the decision herself.

2) I will not give up a useful tool! - Katya is dead, dying, injured for whatever reason or whoever did it and Lana herself (having won), is unwilling to let a loyal and useful bodyguard go, uses her $billions and her political and military connections in order to rebuild Katya into a Mech, restoring or saving her life.

3) I would do anything for love - Kyra, ever her heart growing and throbbing for her love, is not willing to let her go, no matter who she is or what she has done. She doesn't have the resources as a poor young orphan but somehow she makes it possible. Perhaps she pledges service to a rich and powerful benefactor? Perhaps she assumes control of an existing company whose owner is dead or needs to be dealt with? Perhaps she saves up a lot of money, perhaps she makes connections, perhaps she works with Izzy to have desperate girlfriends pay her to be pumped so she can afford it etc etc.

4) I only want the rage of battle! - Katya is saved or revived by Xala of the Darkdaughter corporation, or even gives her the choice which she accepts, but for one reason only! BATTLE! Recognising a foe that COULD perhaps with a little help become something that makes her sweat, Xala offers or mechanises Katya with this purpose in mind.

5) Remember who you are - Her sisters pool together their resources to ensure she survives or becomes stronger and have her augmented.

6) Purity - Katya does not get augmented, whether because she wins in the end, or because another way is found to bypass her loyalty to Lana and she is still alive but free, or because she is too long dead. Whatever the reason Katya does not get augmented.

So imagine in your mind....the final confrontation has happened, none, some or all of the futa girls are dead either through combat or natural causes, they and we have followed their stories, their lives...but does Katya's still continue? And in what form? As new characters, new futa girls breathe their first breathe, their lives will be affected by what the girls do today. Will katya be there to help or hinder them? To be an old relic we all know and love among so many new stories? And...will any other old characters share that?

More pics in attachments.




great ideas, augmented Katya is a nice new direction so gets my vote :)


Thanks, won't happen immediately like I say. Will have to see how it all ends first.

Andrew Rowe

Augmented but not fully mechanized (bionic eyes (like Geordi), serum for increased mental acuity, dexterity, strength).


yeah if you look at the second pic down (or the ones in the attachments) that's what she will look like, the top picture is if she turns the augments full on. So as you can see in the bottom pic, other than a bit of skin retexture the only real difference is the legs, arms, spine and eyes. Top pic is the augments at 100% activated, bottom pic is what she would look like most of the time. Still Katya, But now a cybernetic badass and speaking of ass, you can see from that bottom pic she still got a big badonkadonk and that aint augmented!

Mike k

She's too hot to change

Guy Endsley

I like 3 and were Kyra is helping Izzy out and sent she in school she can get the rich kids on her side and the get there moms inon it. But my question is with Katya is she good or bad cause she working for Lana who we know is bad cause PC Emily now SRG Emily was told about her being evil? And because its love like her being able to look normal intel she needs to go full is great.


Yeah I thought that might be why everyone is voting for it. people like Izzy and like that she sleeps with other peoples spouses so why not push Kyra that way and when Izzy gets old and passes on the business Kyra can do it. As to Katya, that's the hook I give the viewer, you know she works for Lana who is evil, you know that she is capable of very evil acts but at the same time is she doing so out of loyalty and duty or because she wants to? As to looking normal in order to gather intel, as head of security and Lana's right hand reports come to her, not the other way round. Normally she is only dispatched towards a high profile target. Besides....augmentations can help her be sneaky or brutal.


Oh that's agreed man, tough women with big boobs and a shapely rear, in uniform with a foreign accent. Oomph!


ARGH Spoilers!


Well Zala already kick Katya's and Lana's butts super easy, so if a battle against Zala is unavoidable then Katya's gonna need all the help she can get, so an augmentation it's a good idea(except the glowing eyes) but it has to be one can be remobable after the battle.