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Yeah so I lied...I was going to release on 1st April but I decided why not release early, so here it is:




In the extended folder.


OH wow we have a 3way!!!! Not the good kind though....MAGA, Lana and Emily each have 12 votes so I have to decided myself which one to go for. Lana hasn't been done in a while, MAGA always is a barrel of laughs and Emily has a harem of good looking girls. So I'll give that one some thought. I'll admit right now that I'm leaning towards Lana as I think it would compliment the ending of Isadora The Wife Explorer quite well. But I'll give it a day or so to consider it.


Andrew Rowe

Devious Lana! Question, where does Emily go from here? What's the next level? Sargent Major? Inspector? Captain?


5 episodes as PC, 5 as Sargeant, 5 as Inspector then series is on hold until the others run their course and her fate is decided by the patrons, in the end what happens to the 5 girls and everyone else will be in the hands of the voting patrons and above.

Andrew Rowe

Thanks for the name mention when Izzy 1st enters the hospital.

Andrew Rowe

Video freezes after 10:20.


great work as always, Icarus, Im still rooting for Maga in the poll but seems your leaning for Lana, but maybe you'll change your mind :) Keep up the good work


Hmm....okay I've checked both the extended and normal and cant replicate that on my side. Might have got corrupted on upload or download, is anyone else getting this problem?


Mainly because Lana hasn't been done in a while. But also the story ties in quite well with what was discovered at the end of the video. I'm sure you can guess what I'm hinting at.


Great story expansion at the end! love the weaving of characters


Do the mega 3 then Lana, i gotta see the maga 3 after the second was good :)


I'll consider it but Lana hasn't been done in a while. And like I said it fits in well with the story. That said crossovers can happen.... :-)


Cant watch this on my phone mega does not work for me


Yeah watching it on MEGA on computer is terrible as well. Have you downloaded it instead to your phone or computer?