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Wow! Well just wow!

This may be good or bad depending on you but the last few days I've had a massive motivation boost and felt really productive. I've started my e-book on websites you can make money from, got about 500 words on that so far, it's just the intro to be honest at this point.

I'm ready to move onto the editing of shapes in Blender...


Lana Episode 1 currently stands at exactly 29 mins 23 seconds. And I haven't even finished the extended patrons stuff yet or the 2nd scene with Lana! Extended patrons are going to get about 15 mins of stuff, that's almost HALF the video. That will include a very very interesting twist in the story that others won't get until a few episodes later.

I'm going to estimate about 40 - 50 minutes BEFORE trimming and editing. After editing I'll let you know.

Still over 2 weeks to go till the 5th, I'm very ahead of schedule. Feels good.

I'd like to take the time therefore to welcome the new patrons and to say high to the old ones. I really appreciate your support. I like making these episodes and stories for you.

- Apo.



I've had those moments where I have the crazy spill-over of inspiration and out of nowhere I just start writing or doing something productive and I don't stop until I... well, get bored. Lol. But I would never call it a bad thing to have a sudden burst of motivation! That's awesome, and shows you have some dedication and passion for what you're working on. I'm sure whatever the end result, we'll all be pleasantly surprised and enjoy the work.