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Another thing I've been considering and as my patrons I thought I would give this to you is that the last version I took one of my patrons advice to work a little on multiple areas rather than concentrate on one. I.e. 1/2 events in 3-5 areas rather than 5 events in 1 area etc etc. Thats why I worked on the gym and included it in game AS WELL AS the home.

So would you like me to continue with this or AFTER 0.5 release go back to the old style?:



I think you should do what supports your work flow the best, as that could give us the most content in the least amount of time 😊


Gladly multiple if You can manage to complete at least 1 scene/event on each area you work on. This just to get a event on each area. After that maybe go back and concentrate on one/two areas at the time.


Ah! The scandanavians are invading my page! Hæ mín Svensk venn. Do you know there are 4 of you now as my patrons. Should I change my name to Olaf the Dirty? But in all seriousness If it goes like that then yeah I'll put at least 1 scene in for each area for Version 0.6. (after releasing 0.5 on 5th September). :-)


Go with whatever suits your workload. :-)