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hxh 131 pat



The day has finally come


Nen works just like chakra as in its a human's lifeforce, no nen equals no life. Gon literally wanted to give his life if it meant avenging Kite.


no way he actually did it


on my first watch of this show i watched this at like 3am and couldnt sleep for like 5 hours


what gon did was similar to what kurapika did against uvo execpt gon's was on a much larger scale both power wise and consquence wise

Radu Gașpăr

bruh like why is the filter here on patreon i want to see everthing if i paid for it i feel scammed


I've always thought the turning point for Gon's anger to turn to vengance is when he called pitou a "liar". Gon HATES liars and even said to meleoron he would have a reason to crush him he was lying about being on their side. A lot of people have seen his dark potential throughout the series

Avishai Pinckney

This reaction got me reliving this shit too lol. LETS GO!


My favorite episode! I can never get over this episode it's so good! Great reaction!


The line about Gon being as strong as the king is a bad translation. In the original manga, I believe Pitou said that Gon's fangs 'might' be able to reach the king, as in he is close to the king in power and might stand a chance, but not as strong.


imo this is the best power up in any anime ever


Yeah I’m not so sure he would’ve won, but I definitely think it’s possible.