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Buddy i need the next one on god osu


Oh shit its out


He dropped both!


HE ANSWERED OUR PRAYERS thank you heisuten 😢😢😢


Btw the reason pitou didn’t tell gon that kite was dead until she saw him was because she didn’t know who kite was . Remeber she didn’t even know gons name . She didn’t know either of their names . She was just doing as told I believe


Otherwise I think she would have told him right , since she was at his mercy , if she had known that fact then I don’t think she would have gone through with taking gon there if they still had komugi it’d be no point


I don't really blame Pitou for his actions. In fact, I think he was quite kind to Gon. He apologized and explained everything and rather than attacking him out of the blue, he took the opportunity to let him know that he had to kill him. (Since the next episode's already been released I'm going to discuss some content in there too). I totally blame Pouf, who's an asshole, but it makes total sense why Pitou would have to kill Gon. Meruem means everything to him and Gon represented a major threat, and was hostile. In the same way I don't blame Gon for killing Pitou. Pitou did kill Kite, not to protect Meruem, but for fun. To be fair, Pitou was less than a day old, and hadn't gone through any development yet, but that and the fact that Pitou was hostile toward Gon makes Gon's murder of Pitou justified, even if it makes me sad. It would've been nice if Pitou and Gon could've come to a peaceful conclusion, but fate (and Pouf) got in the way. For those reasons, though, I don't think Pitou healing his arm was disrespectful; he had to, to protect Meruem with the best of his abilities, and he did absolutely everything else to be as polite as possible. To be honest, the fact that he did all this rather than just ambushing Gon the second he thought Komugi was safe shows major character development, and it's really tragic we didn't get to see that go any further. (And as people above have said, Pitou didn't recognize Kite until he saw him)


Don't get why some people still think Pitou is a guy in the anime. Clearly it's a female. Manga you can argue otherwise.


I disagree. They still do not use female pronouns at all for him in the anime. They say it or they. Nonetheless, the manga is the canon source, not the anime. That being said, in Japanese Pitou's pronouns are unknown, considering Japanese does not use pronouns like we do. Pitou uses "boku," which is the masculine form of "I," but tomboys use that as well as men, so Togashi's intention could simply be to portray Pitou as a tomboy. However, it makes more logical sense for all the royal guards to be male. They are still ants and their role has no use for giving birth. Just because the anime gave Pitou a bustier form and a feminine voice does not mean that Pitou is a woman. And again, regardless of what the anime does only the manga matters anyways.


Anime = Manga adaptation.. Pitou is called a Guy in the Manga, therefore is also a Guy in the anime. There are 0 times where Pitou is referred to as a woman, showcasing feminine attributes also does not auto-classify you as a woman either. Pitou is simply a cat, all of which, male and female act in the same way Pitou acts when he gets excited. There are no breasts, etc. That alludes to him being anything other than Male. There isn't really an argument to call it a girl other than mainly American-style ideologies on how a girl should act vs how a guy should tbh. Though, it's just an anime and doesn't matter which you'd like to call Pitou