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Writing this from in bed, been here for the past 12 hours due to a migraine. I sometimes and randomly get terrible migraines that literally bed ridden me. I can't do anything - hardly speak, think, see (out of one eye), or even use one of my hands. Really wish this wasn't the case because I know I missed some uploads already, but this experience is making me want to work even harder! I really am sorry bois.



Im not gonna unsub or anything because I love his personality but it feels like we're getting played for are money we work for why he kicks back for a month taking it.

William Long

I doubt that since hes lost about 30% of his patreons recently Im pretty sure


I love him and lil chinq best reactors I have fount but damn its annoying

Michael Royal

yea good reactors but their are ALOT of other reactors who are more consient to this. so im considering using this sub for someone else on the platform who is actually gonna be here.


okay wow. First, family problems, then Pc problems, and then health problems. I tried to understand at first but I am fed up. Considering you have more than 1000 subs and its 5 dollars minimum, means you are getting paid 5000$ per month. 5000$. Oh I know lots of ppl who will provide consistent work for 5000$. The last excuse you gave us, you told us that that was the last time you missed an upload yet here we are. To the people who work hard for their money, Consider unsubbing from here and subbing to other awesome reactors who actually provide great work.


I don't mind that he doesn't post when he really can't, what I don't understand is he never makes up for it in the form of double uploads at least, or finally getting one week ahead for patreon like he said he would, this is getting kind of ridiculous.


He made up for boruto excuse trying to keep the episodes the same number but now look at them boruto like 20 episodes ahead. Bs

Waka Flocka Flame

Finally somebody says it for what it is. I just wish that he would post consecutively and if their is a problem make up for it. like if anybody watches jack he has a perfect schedule he sticks to it and when he does miss an upload he lets us know ahead of time and makes it up with double upload. Like I said in a previous comment I be ready to watch his reactions everyday because I enjoy it and when im in a mood it watching his content aways make me feel beter


It's fine as long as you post double episodes for awhile


Get lost if you wanna complain about someones health and well being.


It's not like it's my business. I am paying for a service that I am not getting. Whatever the reason, I have the right to complain about it. If you're satisfied with the inconsistency and the lies, good for you, but don't come here to tell me not to complain when I actually have the right to complain and to be disappointed.

Devron Love

I never understand people who are complaining. He uploads usually everyday except one. So he missed some days here and there...so? If you don’t like the fact that he’s human, don’t pay, simple. What does comparing and whining like a 5 year old actually do for you? Make you feel better? It’s not going to improve his health. You think he’s lying about the reason, then it’s simple, unsubscribe. Even paying for a service doesn’t give you the right to be an entitled little asshole smh. People can have problems and issues that is out of their control sometimes, it’s called life. Nothing and no one is perfect.


Devron "kid" first dont make assumptions second he said "were gonna keep boruto and hxh the same episode number" 1 week later they miss boruto and do a double upload to make it even ok that's fine 2 weeks latter they binge boruto with no hxh and now he hasn't made up for it also he is like 20 episodes ahead now you tell me why everyone is mad we still love him as a youtuber. By the way no one said he is lying its just bull shit favoritism of a shitty series called boruto.


Also understand he does this as a job. Maybe he doesn't take youtube serious enough and should reconsider

Nyan Krunex

A lot of claims here is kinda off, he skipped a bunch of episodes of Boruto (he didn't literally watch extra Boruto eps until the HxH hiatus from EP 75 happened) and he did a double upload of Boruto cause it was a special two episoder, then right after that day, he did double upload for HxH and no Boruto, so there's that, and then he missed HxH waiting for Chinq for 1 week+, nearly 2 weeks. He could have favored Boruto fans and did double uploads, but instead he went for GOH rather than double Boruto which would have made Boruto go even further. At the end of the day, there was no way HxH and Boruto would be the same number, that's just logical to figure out since HxH barely has 2 recap eps while Boruto has a lot episodes skip worthy, whether it's recap/side canon/filler. While I am a bit disappointed, I am not gonna dive into arguing about the no uploads or money or wtvr tho, it's pointless and tiring, I am just gonna wait when he does upload, relax and enjoy both HxH & Boruto, and hope everything's alright


Chill, he's probably still sick.


I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt and just wish him well when he tells us he has a migraine that keeps him in bed. I know that we are all paying for this but it’s kinda sad to me that people cant just wish him well and give him some time to perhaps explain or make it up to us in the future. And if he doesn’t, people can just unsub without making baseless accusations like “he’s lying” etc. I do agree with people’s points that he should do double/triple uploads to make up for dates that he missed given that he’s missed quite a bit lately. But in any case I just think we should be supportive of him that when he says he’s sick, he’s not just making an excuse and that he’s actually too sick to provide a good reaction to anime. In the end, let’s keep a positive vibe in our patreon community and give each other the benefit of the doubt.


the entitlement of some people here is unbelievable...


No one said he lied dishing were saying he never makes the shit up


He made up trashy ass boruto but slacked on hxh and didn't even try to make up for it right now he needs to drop 4 episodes a day or just keep riding borutos dick


Well I didnt know about the filler part for boruto but I still hope he catches up. Idk bro I love the youtuber but pissed off when I cant watch reactions especially after paying. Kinda like paying for WiFi then your power shuts off for 2 weeks do to a storm


I didn’t say you said it. Read all the other comments before telling me “no one said he lied”. That plus another comment referencing the word “scam”, which is even worse accusation than lying.


Not the best comparison. It's not like that there is a paywall to watch their content. It all gets uploaded to youtube. You don't pay to see their reactions in the first place, but because you want to support them. So if you guys don't want to do that anymore thats fine, but don't act like they owe you something. tl;dr the content is free, stop whining


Devron Love I never said he was lying about the reason. I said he was lying when he told us that he would never miss an upload again and yet he did.


Dude you should take a week off a migraine can get worst if you’re not taking care of yourself


I wish I had that kind of money just like the people who are not complaining and defending him...


Get better but im unsubbing for a while until the uploads are consistent again.

Nyan Krunex

Thank you, and he should if that's what's needed. It's not bout the reactions for me, I just love to support them, I am subbed to people who even currently took a hiatus because they are bed sick or even has personal problems, and there's 2 of em at least other than Heis, this is not even unprecedented, I never complained about that, you will never find me complaining to anyone cause I am grown up and cause I know I am getting my reaction sometime anyway whether it's YT or Pat :)

Nyan Krunex

Particle Style: Atomic Unsubbing Jutsu. Anyway you can always resub lol, catch you later then, and it's totally understandable! ^^


The lack of updates is kinda concerning tbh, the dude's either in a coma or he doesn't care about his patreon and I don't like either of those things 😂, fr though I hope its nothing too serious.